Saturday, February 4, 2012

United Nations Considers World Tax

NEW YORK — Outside the United Nations headquarters, hundreds of people were shouting and waving banners Tuesday that read "China and Russia – No Veto." These people wanted support from the Security Council of the U.N. to oust the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. Inside the U.N., another group of civil society leaders demanded a basic level of social security as they promoted a "social protection floor" at a preparatory forum for the Commission on Social Development, which began Feb. 1.

Video: Watch TV And Never Pay Another Monthly Cable Bill Again

In today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including the ones you may presently watch and hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?

Watch The Video

Krauthammer: Israeli Attack On Iran Certain

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Inside Washington,” Krauthammer explained his thought process. “I think it’s fairly certain the Israelis are going to attack or you would not have had this leak, deliberately coming this week from secretary of Defense through David Ignatius of The [Washington] Post saying that he thinks there is a high likelihood Israel is going to attack, and then he went ahead and specified when. He said three months, April, May or June. And you don’t say that unless there is obviously indications from the Israelis that they are going to do this even if they get and they are getting a signal from the United States not to do it.”

Four Foods You Should Never Eat

Take a few minutes to watch this free video from Isabel De Los Rios who exposes four of the foods you should NEVER eat if you want to lose belly fat fast. Controversial? Yes. Proven to help you lose fat? Absolutely. Watch and listen to what Isabel says about what SHE eats.

Watch The Video

Georgia Congressman: Dock Lawmakers’ Pay Until Budget Passed

How long would you go without a paycheck? Georgia Republican Rep. Paul Broun expects that most people wouldn’t allow 1,000 days to go by without pay — about how long Congress has gone without passing a budget.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Judge Says Obama Can Be On Georgia Ballot

An administrative law judge in Georgia today ruled that Barack Obama’s name can be on the state’s 2012 presidential election ballot because he was born in Hawaii, is “native born,” and thus also is “natural born” as required by the Constitution.

Eric Holder's Department Of Justice Helping ACORN Manipulate Votes

Not only is Barack Obama’s Department of Justice pleased to file suit against states which seek to legally ensure only registered voters who are American citizens will vote in the upcoming election; it is now actively working with ACORN’s “Project Vote” to register voters revealed to be quite illegal!

Is Donald Trump A Liberal Mole?

After ten months of pretending to be a lone, courageous voice raging against the machine, Trump has finally peeled off the rebel costume to reveal himself as the Establishment’s enforcer.

1 Trillion Dollars Missing From Social Security Trust Fund

The outlook for Social Security's trust fund has deteriorated to an astonishing degree over the past year, new Congressional Budget Office projections show.

GOP Lawmaker Walks Out On Obama Speech

Republican Rep. Phil Gingrey (Ga.) walked out of President Obama's speech at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, his spokeswoman confirmed to The Hill. Jen Talaber said the five-term lawmaker "left quietly" in the middle of the president's remarks.

ObamaCare Abortions: Will Catholics Vote For Him A Second Time?

During the last presidential election, Catholics voted by a margin of 55-45% for the most pro-death President in history. Of course, he started out by covering up the crucifix at Georgetown before delivering a speech, so as not to offend Muslims or Atheists, proceeded to declare that “America is not a Christian nation,”, then bowed before a Saudi king. Therefore, should we be surprised when this secular humanist, pro-abortion President now attacks religious freedom by backing regulations which force Catholic hospitals—against their will and the tenets of their religion—to fund and or even perform abortions or risk sanctions and closure?

Bloomberg Pledges $250,000 To Planned Parenthood

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged on Thursday to give $250,000 of his own money to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America after breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure withdrew funding for the group.

Growing Certainty Among US Policy Makers Tthat Israel Will Attack Iran

Panetta believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June - before Iran enters what Israelis described as a "zone of immunity" to commence building a nuclear bomb. Very soon, the Israelis fear, the Iranians will have stored enough enriched uranium in deep underground facilities to make a weapon - and only the United States could then stop them militarily.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Dump Condoms on Catholic School Girls

A group of Occupy Wall Street protesters disrupted a Right to Life rally and threw condoms on Catholic school girls inside the Rhode Island state capitol building. Barth Bracy, executive director of Rhode Island Right to Life, said their rally had to be cut short after the Occupiers began screaming and refused to allow a Catholic priest to deliver a prayer.

Video Blockbuster Revelation: Illegal Obama Actually Propped Up By Congress

Between 2003 and 2008, Congress moved at least 8 times to change the definition of what constitutes a "Natural Born Citizen." Watch this rather impressive mini-documentary from Carl Gallups which already has over a half a million hits on YouTube, it will knock your socks off!

Planned Parenthood TV Ads Defend Obama’s Attack On Catholics

The Planned Parenthood abortion business is defending President Barack Obama’s decision to put in place a mandate forcing religious employers to pay for insurance coverage for their employees that covers birth control or drugs that may cause abortions.

Big Media Covering Up Fast and Furious?

Where was the public outcry for justice when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry bled to death at the hands of a drug cartel in cahoots with the U.S. government? It happened in the Peck Canyon corridor northwest of Nogales, Arizona -- nowhere. The general public didn't hear about it.

Pelosi Defends Planned Parenthood Girl Scouts Relationship

Reporters from CNS News caught up with pro-abortion House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who said the relationship the Girl Scouts has with the Planned Parenthood abortion business is “very valuable.” The comment is telling and comes at a time when the Girl Scouts are denying any relationships with the biggest abortion business in the Untied States.

Here It Comes: Sugar As A Regulated Substance

You're too stupid to know what to eat, but fortunately your betters are about to prevent you from harming yourself by eating stuff that you like. Welcome to the new America, where people who think they are smarter than you get to run your life. CBS News reports: A new commentary published online in the Feb. 1 issue of Nature says sugar is just as "toxic" for people as the other two, so the government should step in to curb its consumption.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not-Romney Wins Again

In the fourth consecutive nominating state election for the 2012 Republican presidential candidacy, Not-Romney made it four wins in a row. In Florida, a swing state with a higher percentage of moderate voters than previous states, Romney still lost. Not-Romney has won each state with the following percentages: Iowa 75%, New Hampshire 61%, South Carolina 72%, and Florida 54%. Conservatives still dominate the Republican electorate.

The problem is there is no candidate named Not-Romney. The sooner conservatives understand this the more likely a conservative will win the nomination. The conservative voters have split their vote for four consecutive primaries. If you are a conservative voter, you need to decide whether you want your vote to be a vote for victory. A protest vote or a vote for a candidate just because you like them best is just another vote in the minority and is a vote for conservatives to lose. Don't throw away your vote. Vote to defeat the elites and elect a conservative.

Read The Rest Of The Story At The American Thinker

By The Company They Keep

I believe you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. This is especially true of politicians. Whom they solicit and receive support from really tell the story of who they are in most cases. With that theory in mind, let’s look at who is supporting the two leading candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. I can do this as an impartial observer – not a supporter of either candidate.

Read The Rest Of Joseph Farah's Commentary At WND

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Anthrax Scare

A portion of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office was evacuated Monday morning when a letter was opened in the office that contained an unknown white, powdery substance. The substance was not toxic, according to the Sheriff’s Office, and employees returned to work within hours. A note with the letter indicated the powder was anthrax and intended for President Barack Obama.

The return address on the letter to Obama was listed as Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s home in Paradise Valley. Arpaio said he received the letter at his house this weekend and was immediately suspicious, so he brought it to work Monday. The white powder was discovered along with a note to Obama that read, in part, “Resign or die. Sincerely, Joe Arpaio.”

Read The Rest Of The Story At WND

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Obama Eligibility Challenges Spread To 6 States

An administrative law judge in Georgia could decide as early as this week whether voters in the state convinced him Barack Obama’s name should be removed from the 2012 presidential ballot because he is not qualified to hold the office.

Obama Tells The Catholic Church To Go To Hell

My Catholic priest, Father Larry Swink, delivered a homily on Sunday that I told him would make headlines. In the toughest sermon I have ever heard from a pulpit, he attacked the Obama Administration as evil, even demonic, and warned of religious persecution ahead. What was also newsworthy about the sermon was that he cited The Washington Post in agreement—not on the subject of the Obama Administration being evil, but on the matter of its abridgment of the constitutional right to freedom of religion.

Obama Appoints Architect Of Roe v. Wade To Appeals Court

President Barack Obama is adding to his massive pro-abortion record by placing yet another abortion activist on a top federal appeals court — this time a lawyer credited with helping craft the Roe v. Wade decision.

The Loudest Knock On ‘Spooky Dude’s’ Door

“Why is no one looking into George Soros?” Glenn Beck asked Richard Poe, celebrated co-author of The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party, on GBTV last Wednesday. “Why is this ‘class warfare’ on everybody else except for George Soros?” “I think I paid a huge price for going after George Soros. But I ain’t dead,” Beck said, “Quite honestly, I thought that was an option.”

Muslim Brotherhood Plots Rise Of Islam At Secret Meeting

The Muslim Brotherhood last week held a secret meeting in Egypt to coordinate the Islamic group’s rise to power in countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa, WND has learned. Egyptian security officials told WND the meeting included Brotherhood members from Gaza, Syria, Jordan, Sudan and Egypt. The group discussed methods of gaining more influence in the respective countries.

Abortion Lobby Uses HHS Mandate To Dictate Religious “Beliefs”

For those who live their lives under a cloud of moral relativism, right and wrong are often decided based on what makes them feel good or what is popular, not by an unbending set of principles. To such people, long held moral teachings can be confusing, and are often seen as artifacts of a bygone age.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Michelle Obama's Lavish Lingerie Spree

When rumors surfaced recently that Michelle Obama was having a secret affair, little did we know that she was also spending gobs of money ($50,000.00 according to the British Press) on lavish lingerie. Of course, the two occurences are probably unrelated but interesting nonetheless. The following report from the folks at Canada Free Press is enough to lead one to think that her shopping habits would make Marie Antoinette and Imelda Marcos blush.

Abbott And Costello Meet Barack Obama

Even a blind squirrel finds the occassional nut and Barry Levinson's Parody of Abbott and Costello in the liberal Huffington Post not only brings back fond memories of the "Who's On First" routine popularized by the comic duo, it explains the Obama economy in terms that everyone can understand: Levinson: "Unemployment as reported is at 9 percent. But it's actually more than 16 percent. Some smart statistician came up with a distinction. A slight of hand to make the unemployment number tolerable rather than frightening. The concept was simple: 9 percent are unemployed and are actively looking for work. The 16 percent includes those who gave up and are no longer actively looking for work. So those casualties are no longer counted. They cease to exist. The 9 percent is a fake. A sham. And worthy of an Abbott & Costello routine. If that great comedy team were still alive, the routine on our unemployment woes might go something like this."

Soros: Romney And Obama: Virtually Identical

George Soros, for those who may or may not be familiar with the name, is a bold advocate of communism and marxism, a convicted international felon, a world currency manipulator, an outspoken anti-American, one of the world’s richest hedge fund billionaires that has gleefully invested untold millions of his personal wealth in support of Barack Obama, as well as dozens of other far left political organizations.

Newt Gingrich Wins Tea Party Patriots Florida Straw Poll

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich won a straw poll of Florida Tea Party Patriots members held on a conference call Sunday evening, with former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum a close second.

The Alinskyite-In-Chief

The Saul Alinsky version of Marxism that Obama-Soetoro adheres to, appears to define fairness as those who worked hard to get an education so they could get a good job, must now hand over most of what they sweated and sacrificed to earn to the willfully ignorant who have never worked hard at anything in their lives.

The Unholy Propaganda War Against Newt Gingrich

It would be perverse to suggest the recent Matt Drudge-delivered blitzkrieg against Newt Gingrich was anything but a massive, coordinated propaganda campaign to incinerate his candidacy to cinders and ash. Of course, it would also be unfair to insinuate Newt is anything but the father of many of his own current struggles. But, be that as it may, it is hard to see how such a scorched earth policy against a lively and talented Republican with vast leadership experience helps the GOP or harms Obama.

Posted By: Chris Carmouche