Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pelosi Defends Planned Parenthood Girl Scouts Relationship

Reporters from CNS News caught up with pro-abortion House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who said the relationship the Girl Scouts has with the Planned Parenthood abortion business is “very valuable.” The comment is telling and comes at a time when the Girl Scouts are denying any relationships with the biggest abortion business in the Untied States.

Pelosi was featured at a congressional reception to mark the 100th anniversary of the organization. The event was organized to promote the Girl Scout’s new initiative “To Get Her There,” which looks to create a “gender balanced leadership” in the next generation. asked Pelosi: “The Girl Scouts has had some ties to Planned Parenthood, do you think that’s a valuable relationship to have working together?”
“The Girl Scouts have relationships with many organizations,” Rep. Pelosi replied. “And, yes, I think they are all very valuable.”

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche