Saturday, February 4, 2012

United Nations Considers World Tax

NEW YORK — Outside the United Nations headquarters, hundreds of people were shouting and waving banners Tuesday that read "China and Russia – No Veto." These people wanted support from the Security Council of the U.N. to oust the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. Inside the U.N., another group of civil society leaders demanded a basic level of social security as they promoted a "social protection floor" at a preparatory forum for the Commission on Social Development, which began Feb. 1.

The focus of the forum was "universal access to basic social protection and social services." "No one should live below a certain income level," stated Milos Koterec, President of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. "Everyone should be able to access at least basic health services, primary education, housing, water, sanitation and other essential services."

Read The Rest Of The Story From Deseret News


  1. The UN just wants to keep wasting money, someone else's money. Billions have already been spent on poverty. What was UNICEF all about, and so many other charity programs, plus all the UN money already spent? You can't help people that really don't want to help themselves.

  2. The really poor in third world countries seldom see the "grant" money that comes to those countries as "foreign aid" or other philanthropical sources. Almost all that sort of funds finds its way into the pockets of the so-called leaders. To have one cent of my tax money vectored into creating even more corruption is an absurdity way beyond reason. These so-called leaders become so powerful that their efforts are not on the people but on protecting at all costs their power base.

    Those who commit their time and effort in personally helping the poor to elevate themselves do the most good. If third parties fund those living angels, the poor are elevated by being educated, by developing clean water, by knowing how to farm and fertilize their crops, by developing a trade, by manufacturing anything that is exported outside their community for economic return, and by teaching hygiene, first aid, and them bringing communication in all its forms to the outside world.

    The UN is NOT capable of doing any of that. The UN is too corrupt. It just absorbs money and nothing comes out. The little good they do is far outweighed by the corruptness that exists.

    In reality, the reigning heads of many third world countries fear the poor and will do what they can to keep them down. The poor far outnumber the leaders and their supporting factions. An educated, functioning mass of humanity is ALWAYS a threat to despots. AND, representatives of those despots in the UN tend to be very noisy in keeping any supposed interference from outside sources.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche