Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not-Romney Wins Again

In the fourth consecutive nominating state election for the 2012 Republican presidential candidacy, Not-Romney made it four wins in a row. In Florida, a swing state with a higher percentage of moderate voters than previous states, Romney still lost. Not-Romney has won each state with the following percentages: Iowa 75%, New Hampshire 61%, South Carolina 72%, and Florida 54%. Conservatives still dominate the Republican electorate.

The problem is there is no candidate named Not-Romney. The sooner conservatives understand this the more likely a conservative will win the nomination. The conservative voters have split their vote for four consecutive primaries. If you are a conservative voter, you need to decide whether you want your vote to be a vote for victory. A protest vote or a vote for a candidate just because you like them best is just another vote in the minority and is a vote for conservatives to lose. Don't throw away your vote. Vote to defeat the elites and elect a conservative.

Read The Rest Of The Story At The American Thinker

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche