Thursday, February 2, 2012

Planned Parenthood TV Ads Defend Obama’s Attack On Catholics

The Planned Parenthood abortion business is defending President Barack Obama’s decision to put in place a mandate forcing religious employers to pay for insurance coverage for their employees that covers birth control or drugs that may cause abortions.

The Obama Administration issued a statement re-iterating the “contraceptive mandate” requiring all insurance providers cover the full range of FDA-approved drugs and devices would remain intact. This mandate, issued in August, includes drugs that work after conception to destroy life rather than prevent it. The statement included a postponement of one year for religious groups that do not already carry contraceptives and additionally would not be exempted under last year’s narrow definition of “religious employer.”

Although pro-life and faith groups of various stripes strongly oppose the mandate, the Catholic Church and pro-life Catholic groups have taken the lead in opposing it.

Read The Full Story At

1 comment:

  1. The Devil rules throughout the Planned Parenthood organizations. The blasphemy is in the name itself. If only one in ten women that seek counselling becomes a parent it's clear the message is not about becoming a parent, but avoiding it. But then the use of the term 'pro-choice' is another falsehood. Clearly the organization is more about abortion, the taking of a human life in its most vulnerable state of development. The Creator intended the womb to be the safest place for the miracle of life to develop, only the Devil would be willing to suck the infant from the womb.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche