Thursday, November 8, 2012

Patriotic Business Owner Closes Store On Wednesday To Mourn The Loss Of America

How typical. R.T. Lyons posted signs explaining that he closed his store on Wednesday to mourn the loss of the country and the media tried to paint him as some "anti-Obama freak." Of course, there's nothing freaky about opposing the radical Obama socialist agenda and Lyons is right. The re-election of Barack Hussein Obama is a symptom of a horrible sickness that has overtaken the country.

Watch Lyons explain why he closed his store and since members of the media are attempting to rabble-rouse and drive him out of business for daring to cast aspersions at the Anointed One, consider giving Lyons Jewelers some business as Christmas approaches (assuming Barack Obama hasn't "redistributed" everyone's money by that time).

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  1. Eric Holder will quit...we don't have to ask him...he already knows anyone who works for Obama is a slave...and that puts a bad taste in his mouth...slaves are obligated to cover up for their masters sins...better to resign than to be a slave...way to go Holder....resignation is the only honorable way to go it with pride and hold your head up.....and if the fast and furious scandal weighs heavy on your heart....the truth will expurgate your sins...the truth is all we have...all you is everything....without truth how can we solve the problems of this world...honesty, integrity, duty, obligation... that is what has held our world together since the beginning of time... we must fix the problems of this world and not let politics, political correctness, graft, or any outside influences keep us from the truth....we must obligate ourselves to do the right thing every time....the right thing...every time...the right thing...every time....the right thing....the right thing...the right thing...keep saying it until you know it like yourself...again...and again...and again....and again...and infinity...truth is is truth...we wait....and if and when you die...we the champions of what is right...what is the truth...what is duty...what is obligation...what is the greater good...we will sing the song you did not have the courage to sing...and we will sing it long and loud and with open hearts and lead every man, woman, and child to their destiny...the destiny that the constitution promised...the destiny that our forefathers died for. Yes...Eric Holder the enabler of Obama will quit...i belive he still has a soul worthy of redemption...don't we all?


Posted By: Chris Carmouche