Thursday, November 8, 2012

Conservatives Blast Romney: Vow To Recast GOP By 2016

(The Hill) “The battle to take over the Republican Party begins today and the failed Republican leadership should resign,” said Richard Viguerie, a top activist and chairman of

He said the lesson on Romney’s loss to President Obama on Tuesday is that the GOP must "never again” nominate a “a big government established conservative for president."

Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots said Romney failed to make the kind of strong case for conservatism that would have won the election.

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  1. Maybe now the recognition will be that conservatism is a backward vision based on religious mantras and the Republican Party needs to check its premises.

  2. Since nearly half of Americans voted for Romney, I would say that the party's vision wasn't far off the mark. Meaning - the brand of conservatism that you decry is exactly what a great deal of America wants and if the RP had not ignored a certain segment of the population when campaigning, Romney would be the man in the White House come January.

    1. Be serious about trying to blame Romney. Both partys will be weeping thier stupidy for sitting back and watching the take over of this country since Reagan days. Over 3 million so-called Republicans didn't even vote this time around. ( all these other partys didn't stand a chance - they knew it but chose to take votes away from whoever they could ) Remember when your pointing a finger at someone - you have three ( 3 ) fingers pointing back at yourself. Socialism and Muslims have been eating away at our system for decades...our schools, our FLAG, our religious belief's and indiviual rights. We ALL are to blame..we ALL at one time or another have been bought by the liberal media and social acceptance both locally and nationally. As long as it didn't affect us...who cared about the guy down the street - as long as we had a better house or bigger car. We have been one step short of Martial Law ( with all the Executive Orders he has inacted without Congressional authotization ) we are headed toward a fate worse than the JEWS suffered from Hitler and we have no one to blame but ourselves. This country has needed another party for decades. Instead of pulling together for this election for the sake of OUR country, we continue to point the finger and complain, instead of working together. How many people get involved with local politics - like schools / government. Or is football, or trashy TV programs more important. Now we weep and try to blame Romney or the Republicans.....get a life or try to save whats left of the one you have now for tomorrow it may be gone.

  3. If the Evangelical right continues with its strangle-hold on the Republican party, they will assure Democrats of increasing victories. Republicans have to separate fiscal conservatism from religious fanaticism.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche