Saturday, August 20, 2011

Video: Obama Holding Secret Meetings With Lobbyists

Hypocrisy and secrecy, they name is Obama. It would appear that Mr. Transparency, Barack Obama, doesn't believe that the rules apply to him.  You may remember that Obama once derided Congress for allowing a “parade of lobbyists” to rig the process.  But the man who claimed that the public deserves to know when its elected officials are talking to lobbyists, has taken to holding secret meetings with lobbyists off-campus at a townhouse on 736 Jackson Street in Washington D.C.  Why hold the meetings on Jackson Street?  Answer: Obama does not have to disclose who he is meeting and when and the Secret Service is not required to keep visitor logs.  Watch the video below from and let us know what you think.


  1. Nothing at all that this worthless steaming pool of porcine excrement does surprises me any more.

  2. Even (many of) those who originally supported Obama now realize he is a compulsive liar, a cheat and completely corrupt. He, like a few presidents before him, Nixon and LBJ but most of all Bill Clinton is/was completely corrupted. Nixon was able to admit he did wrong. Clinton committed a felony by lying to a Grand Jury, but he got away with it because he was the president and also a Democrat. Clinton’s crime had nothing to do with oral sex but had everything to do with lying. Many of us thought LBJ had something to do with JFK’s assassination but it was never provable or at least never released to the public and it is easy to see why. Now it seems even JFK’s wife, Jackie suspected he was involved. Those who remember LBJ know he was also corrupt and would stop at nothing to achieve a goal. Blacks, among others, seem to worship LBJ but that is only because they do not realize he was totally against blacks all his life until he became president and some would say he was even then. His programs, namely war on poverty harmed blacks much more than it helped.

    Should anyone be surprised by something Obama does, doubtful. We all know he wishes to impose a socialist, communist or perhaps even worse government on us. Consequently nothing he does should be shocking. It is not even certain he is eligible to be president. It is doubtful we will find out until after he is out of office, if he ever is.

    The only certainty now is most of us know we must get him out of the office of president. We must also determine how it is, if in fact he is not eligible to be president, he was elected and sworn in as president. He may have perpetrated the biggest crime in the history of the United States of America.

    Time will tell.

  3. Do you really believe that the PEOPLE with the power will ever let us near the information that could get Obama Impeached. Heck no. But what the higher ups don't realize is that he's playing mind games with them. I wonder if he promised nicer rugs to pray toward Meca? I heard this come from his mouth. He started to say something about the elections in 2012 (which he did say) but then with the slip of his tongue he also said 2016. I believe that something is going to happen around 9-11-11 that will be major to the American people. He will probably target the Gay/Lesbian Communities, anybody that is currently in politics, the white community and the mentally retarded. That sounds almost like the Nazi's. The only people that will be left are the blacks.

  4. Why if so many Americans realize he is trying to destroy us that someone cannot impeach him? It would be just terrible should he get re-elected in 2012 because we can just kiss our Country goodbye should that happen. Hopefully, we will have more of the people who voted for him wake up before election day so we can get him out of office. Also, since they think there is a question about his birth certificate that they surely would not allow him to even campaign until that is finalize, would they?

  5. Obama is not an American Black. He is half White American and half Kenyan and his parents seem never to have married. He has nothing in common with American Blacks and appears to have no empathy for them. He was brought up in Jacarta, Indonesia and it seems he never had much (if anything) to do with his Kenyan father.

  6. He is pathetic, disgusting, hypocrital and a disgrace to all of us.

  7. Dream on. He'll get reelected. Black is thicker than blood.

  8. To ""Anonymous" dtd August 20, 2011 @ 2:16PM": Bill Clinton lied to a Grand Jury - he should have been impeached; the punishment for lying under oath which is called perjury. Actually, since he takes an oath of office to be the president of the United States - any and all actions against the Constitution conducted by a president are ipso facto perjury offenses and he would be liable to prison time. Wait, wait! He is a Democrat - never mind they get to get away with it all.

  9. His lying was on the front end It's called Tayiqqa Lies and deceit to benefit Islam - Lookit up

  10. I am shocked that MSNBC allowed Jim Vandehei to continue with these comments, that cast a bad eye on the president. Their whole "schtik" is the promotion of Obama. I am not surprised that the Lobbyist have worn a path to O's door.

  11. Why should we not be surprised? He is always meeting secretly - even with his congressional pals. They passed a bill nobody read (health care) that had been concocted in a jailhouse cell. His pals are Communists and he was raised by Communist grandparents. Our main objective must be to beat him in 2012! We might have to accept some traits of a candidate to get the ONE that can be elected! Beat Obama....get him out or accept the consequences: Our beloved America no longer a capitalist nation.

  12. Not to be picking nits, but that's "THY" not "they" (as in THY name is...)

  13. Obama has had the Midas touch IN REVERSE...everything he touches turns to mud. The last time the threat of impeachment got our a scoundrel was when Nixon stepped down. Clinton was impeached for perjury and didn't even have the decency to vacate the office of the Presidency, so I would not expect Obama to be any less likely to hold the office in contempt by refusing to step down, either. We CAN, however, force his pink slip to mature upon election day of 2012...and that MUST be done to save America.

  14. Rick Perry for President, 2012!

  15. He met with La Raza, a lobbyist group and presto, no more deportations.


  17. I am 71 years old and still working full time because our socialist government has through extortion taken my money from my pay check and given it to the have-nots who never get off welfare and there is no consequences for woman who keep having children and the state and federal keeps giving them more money. President Johnson in 1964 said no more than 100 million would be spent on food stamps.There are 47 million in America are on food stamps,and now more than 10 Billion a month is spent on food stamps not counting welfare and free section 8 housing.

  18. What confounds me more than anything is, how can Congress be so complicit with this? In our State we are looking for a new Congressman and 2 new Senators because we know they are conspirators against the American people. This is a forecast.

  19. The only thing that still ceases to amaze me are the numbers of people he continues to deceive. Surreptitious should have been his middle name. As for credibility, it is not an integral part of his personality. This is a man with an egregious agenda. Destroy america's middle-class, destroy America's financial strength and become a dictator forcing Marxist Socialism down the throats of Americans. When, will the masses awaken? Not one promise of change from the normal Washington, DC game has he kept. In fact breaking each and every one of them and making most worse than before he was elected with his mandate for change America needed. The old saying, "if his mouth is moving he's lying" is a perfect match. A real shame. He is the single influence that has set America back fifty years socially and financially. And the black race back one hundred years. Every thinking black American must be ashamed of his unethical conduct and the intentional slighting of the black race. The majority of black citizens are far worse off and even more dependent upon government handouts for survival than never before. In the White House we now have America's Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche