Sunday, March 25, 2012

Caught On Video: Obama Drunk?

(ACN) The mainstream media was merciless when it came to adding gasoline to the fire of false rumors that former-President George W. Bush occasionally jumped off the wagon; and admittedly, allegations that the leader of the free world may have a drinking problem should not be taken lightly... unless, of course, you're Barack Hussein Obama.

Before going any further, it should be noted that the video below appears to be a parody. It was posted on YouTube some time ago and has over 300,000 views.  That being said, allegations of alcohol and drug abuse are nothing new when it comes to the Obama White House. 

Years ago, Larry Sinclair alleged that he and then-Senator Obama engaged in sexual acts and took drugs in a limo.

Fast forward to March of 2010. After the results of Mr. Obama's physical exam were published, the media fixated on the fact that physicians admonished Mr. Obama to quit smoking once and for all, but buried, not so deep, within the report from physicians, was a warning that Mr. Obama exercise "moderation of alcohol intake."

The mainstream media yawned.  As far as members of the establishment press were concerned, the snippet apparently was not worth follow-up or further investigation.  Rather strange when one considers that the supermarket tabloids have been issuing multiple reports of drinking problems on the part of both Barack and Michelle Obama for years.

In June of 2009, the National Enquirer reported that Michelle Obama was "cracking under the pressure of being First Lady" and that friends openly worried that she was "drinking way more than she should."

The Enquirer went on to report: "When Barack saw Michelle drink more than she should at a recent dinner, he hit the roof. He told  her, 'This is NOT going to turn into a problem!' ... Barack is overly sensitive to the issue because of his own past drinking and substance abuse problems." 

And according to the Enquirer, an unnamed restaurant employee said: "It was clear that Mrs. Obama was having a very good time."

Michelle Obama has more recently come under fire for taking extravagant vacations on the taxpayer's dime and after one of these lavish trips in August of 2011, the Guardian UK reported: "Michelle also enjoys drinking expensive booze during her trips. She favours martinis with top-shelf vodka and has a taste for rich sparking wines."

But the allegations were not confined to Mrs. Obama.  The Globe reported in August that Michelle Obama used the First Family's vacation on Martha's Vineyard "to rehab the President off booze."  The Globe added: "Michelle hopes to save him from a drunken disaster."

It's already been reported that Michelle Obama is having a secret affair with a member of the secret service and that she went into a frenzy over the growing birth certificate controversy

Rumors?  Perhaps, but the question remains: Will the mainstream media investigate these allegations and if the media actually starts to vet the Obama's, will they crack under the increasing scrutiny and pressure?
Posted By: Chris Carmouche