Monday, August 25, 2014

Rand Paul's Obscene Pandering On Ferguson...

(GrassTopsUSA) Just as Hillary's "What difference at this point does it make" remark about Benghazi during a Congressional hearing will come back to haunt her, Rand Paul's politically correct spasm over Ferguson (his August 14 essay in Time Magazine) should preclude the possibility of Son of Ron getting anywhere near the GOP nomination in 2016.

When the left starts swooning over a Republican, it's a dead-giveaway. A posting on the Washington Post's politics blog gushes, "Rand Paul's (Time) op-ed on Ferguson shows why he is the most interesting voice in the GOP right now." In this context, translate "interesting voice" as biggest sell-out.

"He's a different voice in the arena that we don't traditionally hear," says interim NAACP President Lorraine Miller of Paul's pandering to race-hustlers. With his Time rant, the Senator joined such notorious race-baiters as Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and Malik Zulu Shabazz in trying to politicize Ferguson.

Read The Full Story

1 comment:

  1. The writers racism and bigotry are showing, big time.
    I do have to agree that Randy is totally NOT qualified to be president.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche