Thursday, August 18, 2011

Video: Was Christine O'Donnell Right To Walk Out On Piers Morgan?

Christine O'Donnell walked out of her interview with Piers Morgan on CNN. She claimed he was "rude." Was Morgan rude? Was she right to walk out of the interview. Watch the video and let us know what you think.


  1. CLUE: she said three times she wanted to talk about something else.
    This pompous pr--k keeps asking the question. Hell, even if you have committed a crime, you don't have to answer questions.

  2. Although I can't stand Piers Morgan and no longer watch AGT because of his nasty ways, I don't believe he was particularly rude to Christine O'Donnell. I think she was rude buy leaving.

    I do hope he doesn't come back to AGT.

  3. Although he was rude, she should have expected he would bring up any topic in the book. If it had not been in the book, then he would have been way out of line.

  4. It was obvious she and her handlers had agreed to come on with certain criteria. Piers disregarded these agreed upon criteria and ambushed her. She is not a candidate and he was out of line in context. Different if she were still running for office. Piers was absolutely wrong and she was justified in walking out.

  5. She was being very courteous & wanted to talk about the things she agreed to come on & talk about,
    Mr Morgan was being a ass , trying to lead her into something she was not interested in, Good for her!

  6. WHAT DID SHE EXPECT FROM cnn = COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK, she should never have walked onto the set with that bunch of idiots never mind walked off , she was set up by the commies

  7. I think they both were equally rude. Piers Morgan is very crude and doesn't even try to be respected. He is a jerk which is why I never watch his talk show or America's Got Talent. He doesn't care about hurting these young kids feelings...he just talks without thinking. Hope he goes back to England where he probably isn't wanted.

  8. Christine is a real FLAKE and is not representative of our Tea Party Patriots. Frankly she lacks basic intelligence and is embarrassing much like Ron Paul is (and he doesn't represent tht Godfather of the Tea party lable either. He asked questions which were treated in her book and she should have simply answered them with straight talk. She is bereft of intelligence and is trying to make a few bucks on the book circuit with nothing to say. Sorry folks, that is the way I see it and yes, I am a strong Tea Party Patriot.

  9. I think Piers Morgan is a very intelligent and highly skilled interviewer. I enjoy his wit and insight. It is a shame that Mrs. O'Donnell chose not to answer the question, because it relates to a very significant issue that is on the minds of millions of Americans. She had an opportunity to give us a much deeper understanding of her personal belief systems, and her ability to stand strong and remain courageous in the face of opposition. She failed the test. It was a revealing interview. Good job, Mr. Morgan

  10. The host, I believe, is free to ask anything he/she chooses. The guest is free to answer any question he/she chooses. If the guest declines to answer or comment on a question, it's time for the host to move on to the next question. There is no point in turning an interview into an ugly Jerry Springer-type confrontation which seems to be Morgan's intent.

    The odd thing is, it is a very rare host who would badger a liberal guest as Morgan did O'Donnell. Yet, they never hesitate to badger conservative guests.

    This brings to mind the Newt Gingrich vs Chris Wallace confrontation during the recent GOP debate. Conservatives always seem to get "gotcha" questions. Liberals always seem to get "softball" questions.

  11. I don't think he was rude at all. Not in the least. She does not know how to handle an interview obviously. I'm no fan of his, but hey, if you are going to go out there and peddle your book, a certain topic is IN the book, then you can't pick and choose and "jerimander" your way around what is to be discussed, as long as it's in the book. She showed herself to be a bit "young" in the political arena so far. And whether she is running for office or not, it is political what she is espousing. So no, he was not rude.

  12. I tend to agree that she failed the test. I don't care for Piers Morgan, because of his attitude, but Christine should have been expecting this, and been better prepared emotionally to take some of his left-wing heat. How would she fair in the face of a REAL liberal onslaught, once she was in office? By this account, it doesn't look like she would have done well..

  13. As long as England is also run by moron elitists as Piers Morgen, its youth are likely right to protest and riot saying to hell with it! Also if O'Donell was a man she'd likely be able to put this Brit man in his place to get on the track of talking about relevant issues as the U.S economy. Women often do have to walk out on situations where they are being disrespected, which is an issue of womens' sufferage that continues to this day.
    And also why is Morgan obsessed with the "gay marriage" issue anyhow, since I understand he recently married a woman. Does this man "owe" gay liberal friends something? Various socialists have either noted or taken concern that in recent years there is an unusually high rate of "homosexuality" occurring in British men. Male animals in lab studies including frogs that are endangered in the wild, have been turned "homosexual" due to replicating environmental situations that result in messing up their bodies' hormones. Perhaps something likewise is occurring in male humans in modern England, along with not having proper nutrition.

  14. He is a badgering @ssh0le.
    She told him, "NO", and he kept at it.
    Yes, she should have walked out on him.

  15. How many times does a lady have to say "NO" before a guy gets it? She wasn't hinting. She told him right out. CHANGE THE SUBJECT, you moron!

  16. Does NO! mean Maybe? As a date rape victim,

  17. I don't particularly like the guy, but it's his show and he has every right to be persistent if he wants to know what his guests think on a subject which they have put forth before. He was being very persistent, but I wouldn't call him rude. If his guests don't want his sort of interview (and I'm sure they know what they're going to face) then don't agree to do his show.


  18. I don't like it when a democrat refuses to answer a question and I don't like when a republican does the same. I don't think Piers was being rude in the least. Everyone has an opinion on the subject, she ran for office, so why not be bold and just say how she feels? I don't understand why people chicken out. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Just answer the question and move on. If he wanted to put her down and harp at her for her opinion then, that's another thing. She would have had the right to walk off then. She acted like a whiner to me.

  19. I don't care about tail wagging the dog issues, so I think she was right to walk off. What the hell does gay rights have to do with fiscal policy? Next to nothing.

  20. She agreed to be interviewed on the contents of her book. If she had started talking about other subjects, Morgan should have said that is not on the agenda. If he had asked about a policy discussed in the book, and she gave an opposite viewpoint, he could have asked if the ghost writer had actually written the book and if she had even read it. She probably did not write about the price of wheat in China, so he should not have asked about it, and she should not have tried to discuss it. I am sure there are many non-controversial topics in the book. They do not need to be asked about or answered. But the subject of gay marriage is important at the moment, she wrote about it, and he asked her to expand on her views about it and also the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Now every interviewer knows which topics she won't discuss, so all of them will attempt to question her. Answering the question would have shown that she is a homophobe because of the dictates of her religion, which she follows without the thought of guaranteeing Equal Rights for All Citizens under the Constitution of the United States and each of the 50 states, not under the pope and not under the priest or the pastor. Gotcha - The truth is revealed.

  21. Yes, Christine O'Donnell was right to leave the program. I'm getting a little more than pissed off at Hollywood gossip style journalism. Morgan is such a pompous ass, I'd go on his show just to have the opportunity to walk off.

  22. Number one rule if you invited a person or an individual to your home give and extend courtesy and respect. Just like in your program you might disagree in some of your guest views but when told to focus more on the content of the book Mr.Piers Morgan should have considered it. While Ms. Christine O'Donnell has the right to walk away because of Mr. Piers Morgan unprofessional attitude, she should have just throw the question back to him by asking him about his position on his question being thrown to Ms. Christine O'Donnell. Whatever his opinion might be just say "I RESPECT YOUR OPINION" then move on.

  23. This clown is just another hack leftist following the lefty template of attacking and besmirching conservative women politicians. The objective is to prevent the interviewee from presenting her position and instead attempting to portray her as stupid, bigoted, and representative of the "extreme fringe". This is typical of the character assassination jobs done on Palin, Bachmann, Sharon Angle, Jan Brewer, and the list goes on. You will NEVER see this kind of distracting "gottcha" question presented to Hillary, Sotomayor, Kagan or Wassermann-Schultz. It's way past time for intelligent, thinking, American adults, to turn off CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and NPR and relegate their propagandized distortion of the "news." Read a book or listen to Jason Lewis, Mark Levin, or Rush Limbaugh to get a glimpse of intelligent, analysis of what's actually going on. Better yet, find out just for yourself what is being said by those candidates and politicians on the left AND right, rather than having these lefties with agendas spin their twisted versions. Look, see, and think for yourself.

  24. With all due respect, Piers wouldn't quit trying to direct the interview towards his agenda rather than the one apparently laid out before O'Donnell's agreeing to his questioning. He is a skilled inteviewer, but he appeared to go beyond asking and answering and into badgering.

    When a pain in the ass telemarketer refuses to take NO! for an answer I hang up on them. It's no more rude than their refusal to accept my answer. My time is more valuable than that and I applaud her for providing payment in kind.

  25. I believe from what I'm hearing they agreed to an interview concerning her book (general) and he wanted to target an issue with it. Rather than major on a minor, he needed to stay on target with the book as the general subject. She postponted another engagement to give him the time, he should have respected that. If he was interviewing a man, would the treatment have been the same? If he wanted to change the ground rules on her, well, why stay? That isn't why she was there.

  26. O'Donnell was right to end the interview with this badgering liberal jerk. As a guest she did not receive any courtesy from her host. A typical liberal who hates Conservatives and wants to prove "I gotcha". I never have liked you Pierce and now I will refuse to watch you on TV.

  27. OF COURSE Piers Morgan is RUDE (that's his JOB/Nature).

    Frankly, the ONLY reason MOST of us are discussing this, is because of the media COVERAGE (NOT because anyone actually WATCHES Piers Morgan).

    I ALSO don't know why Christine O'Donnell agreed to appear on his show!?

    Did she ACTUALLY think that Piers would stick to her book (that is, would NOT seek to make her look stupid)?

    Either SHE made a BAD Decision - or she has STUPID P.R. people (her "booking agent" [if she has one] should be FIRED! If she DOEN'T have one, she should HIRE ONE IMMEDIATELY)!

  28. Why is this ass on the air?! He could obviously have chosen to discuss another topic as she requested but he proved to all conservatives and independents that he is, for lack of a better label, a liberal PRICK. I hope moderate liberals do not embrace these antics as they will surely prove themselves just as incompetent.



  31. I have never liked this Piers person. He has that typical English "HAUGHTIEST" attitude, that makes me want to slap the hell out of him. On second thought, i really do not want to dirty my hands...

  32. Piers was an ass and that changes my opinion of him. All these liberal pompous asses want to do is smear anyone who has different bleives, in any way they can. He was hammering on her and she did the right thing. It was a lose-lose situation he put both of them in. Guess what, MOST people are against gay marriage. Only a few hollywood pukes and left media are for it and a few gays. Even my own gay friends are not for this badgering of people who don't believe in gay marriage. Get over it guys. Move on.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche