Friday, August 19, 2011

Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Investigate Obama's Alledged Birth Certificate

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, at the request of tea party leaders in Arizona , has promised to investigate the validity of Barack Obama’s purported long-form birth certificate in a determination of the president’s eligibility for the county’s 2012 election. As always, we value your comments, please watch the video and sound off below.


  1. Obama should not be allowed on any ballots until this matter is legally resolved at the US Supreme Court level!

  2. Go Sherriff Joe!! He is going to find out what a half a dozen experts have discovered. It is an 8-9 layer document created out of other docs. The governor will then declare Obamanov in-elligible on AZ's ballot and the hue and cry will commence. The forgery is being ignored by most at this point, but after the Bamster can not get on the AZ ballot, maybe Cong, Issa and Sen, Grassley will take the appropriate action. A nice perp walk down Penn ave

  3. If it is a proven fact that Obama is not a natural born citizen, he should immediately go to prison for the great crime he has committed against our country. All legislation passed during his illegal tenure should be invalidated. He is a lawless, ego-maniac!

  4. You mean that Sheriff Joe is the only law enforcement in the US with %alls to step forward and take on this criminal?? We are with ya Joe.....too bad others higher up havent done this....especially since they took AN OATH !!!

  5. To Sheriff Joe Arpaio all members of PEACEFUL RESPONSIBLE OBEYING LEGAL IMMIGRANTS (PRO-LEGAL) is 100% behind you. I believe other organization like NumbersUSA, NONAT (Nation of Native American Tribes), ALIPAC, LEGAL (Legal and Latino), Heritage Foundation, Minuteman to name a few will support Sheriff Joe Arpaio also on this matter.

  6. Any other man in the whitehouse would be tried for treason and more. How do we keep a man in the Whitehouse who can not or will not prove he is an American citizen, finds unconstitutional ways to sneak around Congress and our Constitution. Wait about 12 months and he will find a way around our Presidential Elections!

  7. It's TOO LATE, The Crimes He Has Already Committed Will Prevent Any Legal Prosecution To Come Forward...

    But BRAVO Bravo Bravo Sheriff Joe..!

    I WISH He Would Have NEVER Left Las Vegas..!

  8. Sheriff Joe,
    If you find out that it's a fraud, will you please go on the O'Reilly, Hannity, Cavuto, and Bret Baire Shows on Fox and tell the world. You are looked upon with such integrity that your statements will be instantly believed.

  9. Mr. Bad Example is not a legitimate poster. He, if it really is a he; nothing more than another one of Cass Sunstein's Racist Liberal Nazi Shills.

    It is amazing how many people fail to realize that just because someone post to a site they are automatically perceived to be legitimate posters. Especially, since Sunstein outlined the game plan in black and white to do just this kind of thing 16 months before taking his Obama appointment.

    The same thing goes for people in the Tea Party crowds acting hostile have 99% of the time been caught and exposed as Left Wing Provocateurs.

    Since the 1960's Liberals have a notorious history for being the vilest and most violent of all radical ideology groups.

    They have been the most historically documented political Terrorist faction since the 1960's Historically they are the most criminally documented perpetrators to have been caught red handed carrying out most of the violent protest/riots, burnings and bombings in our country.

    Now since the Southern Poverty Law Center has been irrefutably linked to Elohim City and Timothy McVeigh, they have now added Right Wing Extremist Provocateurs to their lengthy resume'.

    So, when the historical facts are applied, and the vile and childishly redundant rhetoric is examined, the smart money says Mr. Bad Example, is in fact a Good Example of a Cass Sunstein Shill, or an ignorant want-a-be Troll bucking for real Shill status.

  10. what good will this do? Going on a conservative news channel is only viewed by the ones who believe the fraud. Much more needs to be done, and focus on next election. Obama is already disavowing the Constitution. Why is it every time he goes on vacation or out of the country for a visit. Turmoil happens w/some form of decisions to bypass Congress. I find very interesting indeed.

  11. "Joe" Has enough incriminating evidence on the State of Hawaii's Department of Corrections and THIER Department of Health and Social Services that this should be a "CAKEWALK"... can we say Mariot Suduxo/OBL=(CCA)Corrections Corporation of America!!! And the States that were complicite in generating artificial crime waves resulting in Judicial kickbacks into the pocket's of the corrupt?!?!?

    On a disimilar note: I blame the current problems with the economy squarely on the shoulders of BILL CLINTON, He Deregulated the Banks, this voided the regulation emplaced which brought us out of the Great Depresion. This is why the economy is haywire. Banks making High Risk loans to people they knew could never make payment in full due to thier past history and overpricing on those same home hoping for default to result in higher profit margin by sales ricidivisime on forclosed homes!!! greed pure and simple... I Do not like mister Obama, and do blame some of this on him, but Bill Clinton/Billery did more harm to this country than not and, was only in the Green due to funds made possible from "[P]olicy Lag" from the prior two administration...

  12. Documents can be altered. Footprints cannot. A hospital birth certificate contains an infant footprint. The state birth certificate states at what hospital the child was born. There are 2 birth certificates purported to be Pres. Barack Obama's. One from Hawaii and one from Kenya. Go for a court order for the President to furnish a footprint to match against the 2 hospital birth certificates. There is more than reasonable doubt to require this to prove where he was born.

  13. When We Have The "Best Sheriff" In The Nation Saving The State And Country More Money Than Any Person In History Of Arizona. Checking Out The Shadyest Character In Wash DC The Imposter Muslim Pres Obama, Yikeess, Who Spends More Tax Payers Money Give Sheriff Joe A Break. If Sheriff Joe Can Beat The George Soros Media Than He Belongs In Office POTUS. God Bless America And The Tea Party Patriots With Sheriff Joe POTUS.

  14. Sheriff Joe Arpaio for President 2010


Posted By: Chris Carmouche