Thursday, August 2, 2012

Congress Votes To Relinguish More Of Its Constitutional Authority To Obama

When Barack Obama anointed Richard Cordray some months ago without the advice and consent of the Senate, patriotic Americans stood up and demanded that he be removed from office for such a flagrant and dictatorial usurpation of constitutional authority, but apparently, Congress wasn't all that upset about the idea of an Obama dictatorship after all; at least not so upset to not pass a bill that removes a significant number of presidential appointments from the Senate’s purview for confirmation.

The Senate already passed the measure last year by a vote of 79-20, so the bill will go to Barack Obama's desk, and he is sure to sign it. While he claims that he doesn't "need Congress," obviously, any actions by Congress that give his dictatorial regime legitimacy are more than welcome.

Human Events reports: "Rep. Tom Graves (R-Ga.) said he voted against the measure because it was the constitutional duty of the other body to offer its advice and consent on those positions and that the president already controls 2,700 political appointees without congressional overview." You can read the full story here.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche