Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cowards In Congress Refuse To Stop The Dictator Obama

(Tim Powers I am sure that at this point in the history of our American Republic, one thing stands out. The Congress of the United States of America is nothing more than a group of SPINELESS COWARDS. We the people have elected this select group to represent our values and to protect and defend the United States Constitution, as well as uphold it.

Thanks to their inaction to do the job that WE hired them to do,we now have a communist wanna-be dictator running roughshod over America and everything that she stands for. From the day that they take their place in their seats in our government’s three branch system, they start their re-election campaigns.

The American people who put them in office have simply been hung out to dry.

How many times has the communist Obama circumvented Congress now in the past three years? Their inaction is very telling as to what the state of our great Nation is at this point. They are nothing but spineless cowards. I am sure that the majority of Americans share the same feelings at this point. We are paying for a SERVICE that we have NOT received.

Read The Rest Of The Story


  1. As a child and as a youth going to school ifrom 1958 until 1970, I had wondered how it was that Adolf Hitler was even able to come to power. Though I wanted to understand how it happened, I never even wished to see it occur. Now, in our lifetime, it is happening right in front of all of our eyes, and no one who can stop it is doing a thing.

    What is it that Congress afraid of? Don't they see that they'll lose everything, once this madman has gets what he wants?

  2. Today, June 17th, marks the 59th anniversary of the 1953 Berlin uprising, wherein about 200 Berlin protestors were shot and killed by the Red Army and the Volks Politizei. Soon, Comrad Obama will have the power to order the same here, all because it is not PC to stop a traitor in his climb to power!

  3. We the people if men in congress and senate are not doing their job, we have to use our senses and not to vote for these people. We need to clean our government institutions. If they are afraid of stopping Obama of taking our country and give it to the communists, we do not need these people running our blessed Country.

  4. Idaho's senators Crapo and Riech are in the cowards line. They will never stand up for the constitution. Next election we must have a primary to get new blood in the GOP to run for senate seats.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche