Sunday, August 21, 2011

Video: Socialist Congressman Maxine Waters To Tea Party: "Go Straight To Hell"

Socialist Congressman Maxine Waters shouted and screamed to a room full of people, many sporting purple SEIU T-shirts: "And as far as I’m concerned — the tea party can go straight to hell.” The crowd, of course, cheered at the hateful rhetoric. Watch the video, courtesy of KABC of Los Angeles and The Daily Caller and ask yourself why this footage is not appearing in the national news. As always, your comments are encourged and appreciated and don't forget to forward the video to your friends via Email, Facebook, Twitter and other blogs. Simply mouse-over the graphic below this entry.


  1. Maxine WHO??? Ha Ha

  2. What kind of Idiot votes these scum bags into office ??

  3. It's time someone said it.

  4. Oh that's right, she has freedom of speech but "right wing terrorists" don't!

  5. Potty mouth, Maxine.

  6. She should be working in rehabilitaring her Constituents

  7. What she is saying is that the things the Tea Party stands for ,namely smaller government and lower taxes and restrained government spending is not something she supports. Those who support her want to bankrupt the country and live like Zimbabwe.

  8. Sorry babe, we're doing our time up here, sharing the planet with racist liberal screwballs like you. But you enjoy your stay in the nether sure have earned it.

  9. Anyone want to take a wild guess at what this woman's IQ might be? My guess is 85. I am being conservative because I sure wouldn't want to make her feel bad.

  10. Anonymous in My opinion you over estimated Her IQ level by several points!

  11. Maxine Waters.....this "trash' belongs getting dumped with the rest of the garbage....!!! WAKE UP America.....VOTE this garbage out of office from the WH right on down.

  12. Fat chance she'll be voted out. Her constituents are as dumb as she is.

  13. The problem is she probably won't be voted out because she is an extreme liberal Democrat in an extremely liberal California. Look at the 20 plus year track record of the extremely liberal California Democratic congress...union hacks and other special interest groups own the politicians. If you live in California and you like what you have then vote Democrats into office and maintain the status quo...if not vote them out!

  14. Speaking of unions take a look at this:
    Remember the violent and disgusting demonstrations over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker doing away with the collective bargaining for teacher's unions? The results are in. Some school districts went from a $400,000 deficit to a $1,500,000 surplus as a result. Why?
    It seems that the insurance company that provided all the "so-called" benefits to the teachers, was an insurance company owned and operated by the teacher's union. Since they were guaranteed to get the insurance business from the teachers and the State had to pay for it, and not the teachers, they were increasing the annual costs every single year to become the most expensive insurance company in the state. Then the insurance company was donating millions and millions of dollars to their favorite democrat politicians, who when they got elected, guaranteed to keep funding the unions outrageous costs. In other words, the insurance company was a "pass through" for Wisconsin taxpayer money directly to the democrat politicians.

    Nice racket, and this is the racket that is going on in every single State that allows collective bargaining. No wonder the States are taking it away. Now that the State of Wisconsin is free to put the insurance contract out for bid, and lo and behold, they have saved so much money it has turned deficits into surplus amounts. As a result, none of the teachers had to be laid off, everyone got a raise, etc., etc., and the taxpayers of Wisconsin don't have to pay more taxes to fund the union's political ambitions.

    If you weren't aware of the reasons why Gov. Walker was fighting to take away collective bargaining, it gives you an idea of the problem
    The Republican Party has. Outside of one or two, none of them know how to speak up and explain properly what the problem was. We could sure use a Ronald Reagan now, someone who could explain things for people to understand, since we know that people don't like to read anymore.

    Here is the article:

  15. This woman has more than a few
    screws looooose...

  16. Liberals should keep attacking the TEA PARTY! The TEA PARTY will have the last laugh! In the previous elections the TEA PARTY gained control of the House. The TEA PARTY will finish the job and take control of the Senate AND the PRESIDENCY! The war against Islamist terrorists is more dangerous than the war against Communism. Communists never used suicide bombers or claimed Allah asked them to kill the Infidel!

  17. so , the unions and Maxine dont exactly like the Tea Pary patriots who can see thru her and those similar to her. Oh Well, nope she can go to hell and her constituents can burn down Watts again and DC but dont try to burn a building my neighborhood or you'll get some lead in your butt !

  18. of course, she hates the party.... just as the british disliked the boston tea party. Politicians and rulers dislike it when people wake up. We are tired of paying taxes so the lazy , powdered egg ,USDA cheese eaters can stay home and make babies because it feels good and then daddy goes to jail. hey, we were on welfare but only for 2 years. I went in the military and got my degree and now I support the city burners and the illegals who get the EIC child credit. Makes me sick as they work under the table for no taxes or deal their drugs. Country went to crap in the 60's and just continues to go down the drain !!

  19. As far as Waters is concerned the Tea Party can go straight to hell; but they need to wait until 2012, obama won't have it finished until then. Once it's finished we will all be in obama hell. He could have had it finished by now but the Tea Party slowed his progress in the last election.

  20. I think most of the people she was talking to,it didn't look like there were many in the room, were either illegals or people on welfare!Oh,and by the way,Maxine and all like her can kiss my Tea party Azzzzzzzzzzz!!!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche