Thursday, August 2, 2012

Respected Medical Journal Claims "Homophobia" Causes AIDS

Here's one for the strange-but-true category. The long respected and authoritative British medical journal, the Lancet, has just released a study that claims that “homophobia is a key driver” of AIDS. Moreover, the Lancet is apparently taking the additional step of calling on governments to decriminalization and de-stigmatize homosexual behavior as a means of combating the spread of HIV.

Seriously, we couldn't make this one up if we tried. The Catholic Family And Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) in Washington D.C. has just issued a report on a new series of papers, “HIV in Men Who Have Sex with Men”, recently published by the Lancet which apparent delve deep into the cause of HIV and AIDS.

According to Stefano Gennarini J.D. with C-FAM:

"The health experts claim that homophobia is a key driver of the HIV pandemic among homosexuals, especially black homosexuals. But while the experts cite data showing how laws and culture can be barriers to access HIV services and information, there is no data showing that the expansion of special rights to persons on the basis of their sexual and identity preferences has had any effect on their HIV infection rate, or overall health." 

Read the rest of the story here.


  1. Are these people INSANE ? Homophobia causes AIDS ? How about unprotected homosexual activity ? How about drug users sharing dirty needles ? Where do these people live ? Under a rock ? In a cave ?

  2. There is no need the ask the question: Are these people insane? The obvious answer is YES, they are completely off their rocker. We can't have a society where what is normal, natural,logical and decent is considered the complete opposite of what it is. That literally insane people are at the highest levels of our government in public and private institutions and in academia is an indication that normal decent people have let their society crumble by letting such freaks of nature run our institutions. It's time to have people with common sense take back the reigns of our society but we can only do that by having massive amounts of people back them and say no more to caving in to the demands of people who are wandering in a wasteland lacking an iota of common sense. The enormous amount of people eating at Chik Fil A on August 1st gives one encouragement and hope that these people will now motivate themselves to try and restore sanity to our society and our world.

  3. Next thing ya know,the boobs are going to blame George Bush and Chik-fil-A for an increase of AIDS in San Francisco. But then living in a country that has a Communist POTUS,with guys like John Kerry and Harry Reid in the congress along with Super Nancy,what do you expect? The USA isn't the only screwed up country,the whole world is. Ain't biblical prophecy cool?


Posted By: Chris Carmouche