Saturday, June 16, 2012

United Nations: Secretly Meeting To Tax Your Internet

( released documents reveal that the United Nations International Telecommunication Union is working on plans that would allow them to tax the major Internet Web content providers. The list of tax targets includes Google, Apple, Netflix and Facebook.

According to the report I read, the tax proposal originated with a lobby group based in Brussels called European Telecommunications Network Operators Association, or ETNO.  This group is said to represent companies in thirty-five countries who are trying to force these taxes to be collected, most likely for their use.

The ETNO members of the ITU is calling for the current telecommunications treaty to be amended to allow the taxing of major Internet providers for the privilege of serving non-US web users.

A number of European telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Group, Telecom Italia and France Telecom want US based providers like Google and Apple to pay fees linked to usage in their countries, much like phone companies do now for international phone calls.

No one has yet offered exactly what this would cost the US companies, but considering that telephone companies are paying around $5.4 billion a year for international phone access and usage, the figure for the web based fees are sure to be much higher since web usage far outweighs phone usage.

Read The Rest Of The Story

1 comment:

  1. I'll just cancel my internet if they tax it.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche