Saturday, June 16, 2012

Unconstitutional Obama Amnesty: Part Of A Plot To Steal The Election?

( It’s just a coincidence, we are led to believe, that this “exercise of discretion” performs bureaucratically what couldn’t pass legally just in time for a presidential election. The coincidence deepens with the realization that the Department of Justice has blocked states from removing unqualified voters from their rolls, also in time for the election.

In an afternoon speech, Obama “discussed” the move, which he pinned solely on Napolitano as if he had nothing to do with it.

He washed his hands of the decision and denied it was a form of amnesty.

Rush Limbaugh this morning dubbed the new program “Catch-Release-Vote.” He’s absolutely right.

If a voter registration card doesn’t come stapled to the DHS work permits, it’s a sure bet that this crooked administration will have representatives of the SEIU, OWS or some other henchmen standing outside the DHS offices with forms in hand.

Read The Rest Of The Story

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche