Friday, June 6, 2014

Obama Suffers Mental Breakdown

This well-known radio talk-show host is claiming that Barack Obama has gone completely crazy...

(Western Journalism) "I’m convinced he has gone crazy." That was Dr. Savage’s reaction to Obama’s request for $1.4 billion in "emergency funding" so that illegal immigrant children can be temporarily housed on Air Force bases.

"How does this affect our military readiness?" asked Savage, adding, "Some of these ‘children’ are 18 years old. They’re old enough to get tattoos on their necks and join gangs."

Savage also connected the dots between the release of POW (and possible traitor) Bowe Bergdahl and the president’s recent “surprise” visit to the troops in Afghanistan:

"He wanted to look like commander-in-chief in the middle of the V.A. scandal.

"Then we learned that same weekend that the CIA station chief in Kabul was 'mistakenly' outted by Obama’s minions?"

Read The Full Story


  1. He is right about one thing, Obama isn't fit to lead an army of ants let alone our military.

    1. Ants have much more intelligence than he has

    2. Remember the move starring Peter Sellers called "Being There"? It's about a simple gardener that everyone thinks is a genius and he rises to the top of the food chain. Sounds like the guy running the White House!

    3. Unlike others, I think Obama knows exactly what he's doing and where he's trying to take us. So far, he's succeeded. For some insight, read Edward Klein's, "The Amateur" and you'll see just what Obama wants for America. "Eliminate exceptionalism and gain Third World status for the USA.

    4. Yes , he does know exactly what he's doing...trouble is he THINKS he's smart enough to get away with it...scandal after scandal , takes our eyes off focus with the smoke and mirrors...he's a gamer. The devil will get his due...eventually.

  2. Obama is not fit to be President or any other political duty because he was not qualified when he ran for office and he knew it, but he is still having people killed and denying that he was not a legal American citizen. He paid millions of dollars to have that covered up and have those killed who had evidence that he didn't have a legal birth certificate and those who knew the lies that Obama was not telling the truth about his college records. The Devil has infiltrated his mind (if he has one to use) and went way away from Go's teaching and Obama will be severely punished and it will be sooner than later!!! He is not even qualified to be a dog catcher!

  3. We can't take care of our homeless veterans by putting to use our retired bases with facilities, but this traitor wants money for illegals??? Screw this piece of crap.

  4. I pray someday, sooner rather than later, someone with enough protection and no fear will come forward with undenighable proof Obama is an imposter funded by the emenies of America.

    1. You are so right! It is so obvious that this man is an Islamic terrorist bringing America to it's knees. He hates us and everything we stand for. No one wants to lead the charge to impeach America's first black president.

    2. He is white also he is another Hitler only more devious and more a monster.

  5. To be mentally ill requires a brain something Obammy has not one of.

    1. he has a brain it is stored where the sun dont shine
      with the rest of his minions

  6. I contend that this hateful traitor was mentally defective since he was old enough to realize he was the spawn of a white wh**e and started smoking marijuana 24/7 to try and forget that fact. This is where and when his deep hatred for whites began and it has festered and swelled ever since.
    More evidence of the need for mandatory psychological testing for EVERY candidate for political office...
    ...does ANYone actually think that hillary clinton, after all the humiliation she's been subjected to at the hands (and other body parts) of the rapist-in-chief, is mentally fit to run for office?? Her hatred of men is as all-consuming as obama's hatred for whites.

  7. Our current POTUS claimed to be a "mutt" . He seems to be a "mutt" with rabies. Rabies makes dog go insane. Rabid "mutt" in charge of way to much, for his choice to change the greatest nation in history into a third world country is the act of a "mutt" infected with rabies.

  8. Need i say more ? they covered every thing perfectly.

  9. Obama's mental state is a continuation of a condition that he has had, very likely, since childhood. Given the "family" that he had, his "mentor" Frank Marshall Davis, his acquaintances, his long-term cocaine/marijuana use. I am not introducing these items as a moral issue, rather they are a survival issue and Barack Obama's ability to mask his true intentions through lying and misdirection are the only things that have sustained him in his personal life and political career. Perhaps, if he didn't have the nation by the throat, he could be seen as someone to be pitied. Certainly his background indicates a substantial degree of child abuse, at least on a mental level if not on a physical one.

  10. You all are missing the real master here obama is just a puppet in this game. You need to look for the master he's pulling the strings here.

    1. the master is the jewish traitor GEORGE SOROS
      and missy VALERY JARRET

    2. You got that right!
      Take them both out!

    3. Are there any Christian traitors? What is Valerie Jarrett's beliefs?

  11. The logical thing to do is to bus all of these kids back across the border, preferably a few hundred miles south of the border, and kick them off the bus. It's the Mexican government's problem, but Obama wants to create a future Socialist Democrat Party voter base with these illegals.

  12. not socialist democrats COMMUNIST And every democrat in Washington is a COMMUNIST

  13. I agree ith all of the above

  14. Obama is a failure as president and understanding of the Constitution, but he is a successful flea brain tyrannical dictator

  15. I been seeing on the internet for the past yr.that her majesty Obama is a homosexual.Of course we all know Michelle Obama must be the man of the family.

  16. Obama hates white people except for the ones he can screw out of money No doubt.He and Evil Eric Holder are racists.As are the two race hustler's of all time Jessie I got a scheme Jackson, and Al jailbird Sharpton.Just about everybody who had been named by Obama and passed by the Democrats in the Senate have quit and or resigned to save his sorry,lying ass.He is unfit to run anything,and Congress had better impeach him and the other lying pos Holder,before they destroy this country.This is her majesty's aim.

  17. The guy in the oval office is trying to rid the country of the people who built this country the white people.He has already proven he is a racist.He no doubt wants this country to look like his muslem brother's.He is not an American, and has never proven it and Congress wont do nothing.All he can use as a last resort is THE RACE CARD. He blames all his failures,and scandals on George Bush or any white person will do.He is the most corrupt and crooked president to sit in the oval office.Congress get some balls before this guy and the muslems take this country over.If you cant see what he is doing to this country,you are all on drugs.

  18. Obama is the first Affirmative Action President. Imagine a white man with the same lack of credentials, and mystery surrounding his past, attempting to run for President.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche