Thursday, November 8, 2012

[Video] Obama Supporter On Israel: 'Kill Them M_____ F______

Behold, the learned opinions of young Obama supporters on Israel and its right to exist.  If anything, it's proof positive that we've lost the youth of the country. According to one of the more "reasonable" young people interviewed, "Palestine was there first" ... a rather shocking statement considering that there is no such thing as "the Palestinian people" and there is no historical record indicating that there was ever a "Palestinian Nation."

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  1. wow. The end-product of liberal non-education.
    That's what our school system is producing- uneducated morons.

  2. How sad. We are in for a long four years. And who knows what corruption will run rampant all that time...

    America, I knew you well. And the bell tolls for thee.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche