Wednesday, November 7, 2012

[Video] More Pro-Abortion Racism

(Life News) In a video of Obama supporters at a pre-election rally, a woman attacks Mitt Romney’s pro-life views, specifically that he wants to make abortion illegal. After lots of profanity, the woman says, "What, we gonna have all these ugly ass, nappy headed kids running around here hungry fo'?” [Warning: Video Contains Profanity].

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  1. Enough said, I rest my case.

  2. This country needs to rethink who we want to deport. Maybe its time for the black reservation Public Housing People to rethink how nice Nigeria is this time of year.
    Otherwise as long as these Public Housing Units exist the Democrats will have a Reservation Base of voters. We need to rethink who we should let vote! If your on Government assistance than you cannot vote, because you can vote yourself a raise in pay, which those 99%'ers think they just did? Did They? We'll see.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche