Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney Selects Ryan: Masterful Political Move Or The Beginning Of The End?

The pundits, as expected, are all over Mitt Romney's selection of Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. The Republican political establishment and Fox News immediately began heaping non-stop praise on Ryan while the liberal news networks and Obama operatives immediately put their negative spin on the announcement. Such behavior in the propaganda mills that pass for news outlets these days should no longer come as a shock to anyone... but still, no one bothered to ask you what you thought (before presuming to tell you what to think) and we'd really like to know.

Of course, all is not joy in Mudville in conservative circles. Radio talk-show host Michael Savage is already railing against the pick. "This is the end of the Romney campaign," he ranted, "it's all over."

Savage goes on to say: “The Romney schmucks are so out of touch with reality they do not see how they are being portrayed and perceived both by the servile press and the ignorant masses. The Romney insiders detest conservatives and are trying to appease this core base with Ryan. Too little, too late.”

Okay, is Savage off his rocker or is he right? Since the self-proclaimed powers-that-be on both sides of the aisle didn't bother to ask the American voting public what they actually thought of the pick, before attempting to tell all of us what to think about the pick, we'd like to know what people really think before the propaganda takes effect.

Please give us your comments below, forward this story to your friends and invite them to venture an opinion as well.


  1. I am pleased that now the sleeping giant of budget and deficit are receiving some attention. If the GOP is serious about winning the election, the Romney-Ryan ticket is a winning combination. It's the budget, deal with it.

  2. Let us pray that our country will see the difference in obama team and the Romney team. Just look at Romney and Ryan. They will bring ethics and dignity back into our White House. obama has shown his gutter mentality. His Chicago mentality is a shame to our country. The White House needs to be fumigated with the most powerful disinfectant money can buy. They are without a doubt the most dirty and ugly garbage crooks and criminals in the history of our nation. They run it like the muslim sheik dictators. obama's "forward" slogan is a Nazi Hitler slogan. This is a red flag to those who are paying attention. You all need to go to "" and search that. Wikipedia even took that fact off to protect obama. The dems and the media cover for this slime bag, and we need to get this disgusting animal and his goons out of our government so we can recover some of the damage he has already done. It's obvious the damage will take decades to recoup. God help us.!!!!

  3. So what whackjob does Savage want! He is so far out in right field, i quit listening to him! He is as far off the wall as MSNBC is on the other side!

  4. Great pick. Hopefully Ryan will keep Romney on the conservative road. Who on earth would Savage be happy with -- a RINO?

  5. I am not so sure ,it's like the GOP is pushing something down our throat just like Idiot McCain

  6. Paul Ryan was in my top three picks. I have many good things to say about all the names on the VP short list, but didn't want most of them on the ticket. You hear; Marco Rubio, Rob Portman, Bobby Jindal, Condi Rice, Allen West, Rick Santorum, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell mentioned, but of these only Ryan and West ever made me excited to think they might be the VP. Portman had many positives, including being from Ohio, but picking a guy that makes Romney look animated and exciting by comparison could only hurt the ticket.

    West is from Florida, has a military background, and is a great speaker. Ryan should be able to deliver Wisconsin, and he can argue economics and budgets so well he makes Dems go crazy. They paint him as an extremist, but they can't counter his logic.

  7. Romney's pick of Ryan is excellent choice IMO.The election is really a referendum on O-Hole and the economy. So if it's as BJ Clinton says "It's the economy stupid" we may survive as a nation. The cancerous communists in office need to be removed and prosecuted for treason.

  8. Yes, Ryan is a great choice. Hopefully, this is the last gasp of the "Tea Party"


Posted By: Chris Carmouche