Saturday, August 11, 2012

Obama Dodged Taxes On $400,000 Tony Rezko Gift, Former Associate Claims

Now that the tax returns of presidential candidates are fair game, thanks to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, should Barack Obama respond to a credible accusation that he dodged taxes on a $400,000.00 gift he allegedly received from his now imprisoned friend, campaign contributor and next-door neighbor, Tony "The-Slum-Lord" Rezko?

That's the question being asked by in reference to a story initially published by back in February of 2012 that has gotten far too little attention outside of the blogosphere.

According to, Rezko's former business partner, Daniel T. Frawley claimed in a number of emails and conversations with Robert Cooley, a "former Chicago mob lawyer turned government informer," that he gave Rezko $400,000.00 to give to then-Senator Barack Obama.

Now that Frawley is scheduled to start serving a one-year sentence and Frawley's "pro-bono attorney," Thomas Durkin, has recently been nominated to be a federal judge, thinks it's time to start asking some questions. You can read the rest of the story at and the original story at

Posted By: Chris Carmouche