Sunday, July 1, 2012

ACLU Pushing The Radical Gay Agenda On Kindergarteners

"Heather Has Two Mommies," move over. The big news here is not that children's books that celebrate the so-called "homosexual lifestyle" are being make available to 6 year-old children. That's been going on for some time now. Don't say no one warned you, the cat is out of the bag and it's clear that simply making these materials availible to children is not good enough for the indoctrinators who believe that they should be the ones raising your children and grandchildren.

It never was. Submitted for your disapproval... the following report from WorldNetDaily. At issue: The fact that a school makes these materials available to 6 year-olds with parental consent. That "with parental consent" part has aroused the ire of the ACLU. reports:

( When a kindergarten boy brought home a children’s book touting the joys of being in a lesbian family, his parents complained to Windridge Elementary School, sparking a petition signed by 25 parents in protest.

The book, “In Our Mothers’ House,” is marketed on Amazon as a book for children “ages 6 and up.” It touches on the alleged joys of being in a homosexual relationship and what the author believes is society’s condemnation of it. In April, the Davis School District committee in Kaysville, Utah, voted 6-1 to keep the book in its school libraries – as long as it was kept behind the counter and provided only to children who received parental permission to check it out.

Now the American Civil Liberties Union is getting involved – threatening the district for requiring parental consent.

Read The Rest Of The Story

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche