Thursday, May 31, 2012

Obama Ad: Your Little Girl Needs Birth Control

( The Obama campaign has cut a new ad in which it suggests that little girls are being endangered by Republicans who want to do away with mandated contraception coverage. The ad, produced by Obama/Biden 2012, takes the usual Obama tack of addressing the ad from a common citizen to President Obama, like an open letter – even though the ad itself is an open love letter from Obama to Obama, apparently.

It begins with meaningful piano music, and a young mother explaining that she has two daughters, one six and one ten. The six-year-old wants to be a “doctor for dolphins”; the ten-year-old wants to be a fighter pilot. The intro to these two little girls takes nearly a minute. Then, for no apparent reason, the mother launches into a diatribe about birth control, as the music rises.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche