Wednesday, May 30, 2012

For Greater Glory: Watch The Preview

(ACN Staff)  Words can't describe the awe this film inspired, and as we left the private screening of For Greater Glory in Madrid, it was very clear to us why Hollywood did not want this film to be made. 

Watching the film was a life-changing experience for the hundreds of us who were invited to the screening.  When the film ended, there was not a dry eye in the house. In years past, only The Patriot and The Passion Of The Christ have moved me to a similar degree.

Today far too many Americans view liberty, and particlarly religious liberty, as little more than a concept or something to be taken for granted.  For Greater Glory shatters that comfortable and dangerous perception.

"What price would you pay for freedom? In the exhilarating action epican impassioned group of men and women each make the decision to risk it all for family, faith and the very future of their country, as the film's adventure unfolds against the long-hidden, true story of the 1920s Cristero War... the daring people¹s revolt that rocked 20th Century North America."

For Greater Glory Premiers on June 1, 2012. Go to the For Greater Glory website and find a theatre near you where you may watch this life changing film.


  1. Liberty means personal freedom. Liberty does not mean the right to impose one's own religious choices on others. In the Middle East there is Sharia. In the USA there are conservative Christians. Neither has the right to tell anyone else how to live.

    1. Yes, liberty means personal freedom. That is why no government should presume to tell the church what it should and should not believe. I will not impose my faith beliefs on you, I only ask for the right to follow those beliefs without the persecution and dictates of government. "A certain group saw that another group was being persecuted and ridiculed for their beliefs and decided not to assist them because it was not their group - not their beliefs. The same thing happened to several other groups and still the first chose not to help. Then they fell under persecution and asked for help. No one was left." I would stand up for you, would you stand up for me?

    2. Christians are not imposing anything on anybody in the USA. That's a bunch of bunk.

      Actually, it's the opposite. Christians are increasingly being told what to believe, such as accepting the homosexual agenda, otherwise they'll be fired from the workplace. Or not being able to pray in school on their own and without having anything to do with other students.

      Atheists do not have the right to impose their beliefs on others either.

  2. The last movie I saw was "Apollo 18" a few months ago. I WANT TO SEE THIS ONE!!!

  3. Every body has rights to love GOD.

  4. My wife and I saw this epic last night. It is not in theaters in my area (Springfield, MA), which doesn't really surprise me. We drove to Manchester, CT, and it was so worth it! These people are real; their ordeal was real. The parallels between Mexico in the 20's and the USA here and now are incredible. As a "movie", it has superb acting by well known stars as well as some new comers; the cinematography is exquisite. And with all that, the storyline is unvarnished history. The people who made this film, actors, writers,producer, director, all the way down to the "key grip", have put their careers on the line to make it. If for no other reason, honor them by going, even if far out of your way, to see "For Greater Glory". It's worth it!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche