Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Trump Slams CNN Wolf Blitzer On Obama Birth Certificate

( Billionaire businessman Donald Trump smacked CNN today, telling lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer the network would improve its dismal viewer ratings if it would only report the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president “accurately.”

“Obama does not like the issue of where he was born…” he told Blitzer in the interview. “There’s something that bothers Obama very much. I will tell you: It’s not an issue that he likes talking about, so what he does is use reverse psychology on people like you … He does not like that issue because it’s hitting very close to home. You know it, and he knows it – but you don’t report it accurately.”

Trump responded, “A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. You won’t report it, Wolf, but many people do not think it was authentic. His mother was not in the hospital. There were many other things that came out and, frankly, if you would report it accurately, I think you’d probably get better ratings than you’re getting – which are pretty small.”

At that, the CNN anchor displayed images of Hawaii newspaper announcements printed days after Obama’s purported birth. He spoke over Trump, refusing to allow his guest to speak without interruption.

“Many people did that, and they put those … excuse me, Wolf, am I allowed to talk?” Trump asked, frustrated after being cut off. “Are you going to stop defending Obama?”

Read The Rest Of The Story


  1. I have little interest in the media news since it so full of lies. You have to go to people who are honest, like at WND or, to find the truth.

  2. Many in the media knew of the President's origins in Topeka Ks but refused to tell the Truth so I have done so on my blogger and twitter and face book starting 7/26/12/ Guess Fred Phelps and clan form westboro baptist church has them all so scared of being sued, the Truth doesn't matter. Look for titles that start Daily Recap for every day since. I am eye witness and the Sec of State of KS people said to me after they searched data bases and I was able to give them the real Dad's name that has never been published and told them my mother took Presient's mother to Forbes Air Force Base hospital to have him said: WE DON'T THINK HE KNOWS on 9/14/12 after I filed an affidavit of eye witness testimony that he is eligible just worng records. and no knowledge he as committed any of the fake filings. Also posted there. Donald Trump has the money to send some investigators into Topeka ' In 1960-62 'everyone' knew as three murders as a result of a gossip frenzy over an iternracial couple and a vicious attack that left three dead, then silence unitl the bodies washed up on a sand bar later on and then whole ' state knes and silence agains Most people wanted to be fair and treat each other humanely but things got out of hand. and the President's mother an eye witness and victim and authrotiies only wanting to shut her up and not beleive. Her This month the Topeka HS ruenion for class of 1962, is being held. Please honor the class mate that should be thre as pround father of our President. My source is my Mother whom Ann told, Her paternal Great Aunt. why did the media want to continue the cover up / is the perosnal hatred so bad they would let murderers go free for ever? How can we have world peace and justice if we don;t honor our own laws. Linda Joy Adams Eye witness. (Ann and I were class of 1963.) hate the politics and vote for the other choices, but please stop this for " you know not what you are doing" as Christ said on the Cross when gossip got out of hand so badly 2000 years ago.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche