Saturday, June 18, 2011

Constitutional Scholar: Libya Impeachable Offense

1 comment:

  1. Ghadaffi should go there's no doubt about that . But it's not up to the USA or Nato to pick sides with a Libyan problem. Let Libya fight their own internal battles. Libya is no threat to the USA. does not export any oil to the USA, The usa Airforce together with Nato are using heavy bombs which is causing co-lateral death and injury to non combantants. It has to stop. This fighting a conflict without Congressional approval is over the 60 days grace period .The flow of Taxpayers money to keep the Ships, personnel on station, the equipment and munition supply must stop. There is no reason why this incompetant in the White House can bypass Congress to take sides in Tunisa , Morocco or wherever. This loon is treading on treacherous ground and his policy further igniting conflagrations in other areas of the middle east. Time out ! Let's immediately put the Drones they are using to better use on the Mexico-USA border where thousands of people are illegally crossing the border each year.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche