Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama attorneys argue he's not Dem nominee

( Attorneys arguing on behalf of Barack Obama’s re-election plans today urged a Florida judge to decide that Obama is not yet the Democratic nominee for president and ignore evidence challenging his eligibility..

The arguments were raised by attorney Mark Herron on behalf of Obama in a hearing before Judge Terry Lewis in Florida, who is best known for presiding over the 2000 Bush v. Gore election dispute.

Lewis is credited with making crucial rulings in the contested 2000 presidential election when ultimately a Florida recount was halted by the U.S. Supreme Court, and George W. Bush was declared the winner.

Attorney Larry Klayman filed the challenge to Obama’s eligibility for the ballot on behalf of Michael Voeltz, who identifies himself in the complaint as “a registered member of the Democratic Party, voter, and taxpayer in Broward County.”

Attorneys representing Obama at the hearing, which was livestreamed by WND, argued that the Florida presidential preference primary, which listed Obama as the only Democrat nominee, didn’t make him the party’s nominee for president.

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  1. Anything could happen at the Democratic Convention. One line of thought predicts that Obama may bow out due to new information about his citizenship or lack thereof, and Hilary Clinton would replace him as the nominee.

    1. Don't read too much into the tactic. Obama' lawyers are simply following the playbook they've followed for three years now... searching for legal loopholes to deny an actual hearing on the merits of the case.

  2. My MY, Millions of dollars spent fighting the question, is Obama a Citizen, born in Hawaii, when for $15 dolars Obama could have the Hawaii Birth Record sent to a Court. Something is wrong here. Ed McGarvey

    1. We need more Americans with your common sense, Ed!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche