Saturday, June 16, 2012

Congressman Announces He'll Sue Obama

( Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, told WND that he plans to file a motion in federal court to block the Obama administration from implementing a controversial executive order announced this week excluding many young illegal immigrants from deportation.

The order is aimed at illegals who were brought to the U.S. before they turned 16 years old and are currently younger than 30. The president says it’s unfair to punish those young people for decisions their parents made and argues those young adults are already contributing to society.

But King says Obama’s move defies the U.S. Constitution by attempting to create new laws via executive order after the DREAM Act, a bill that would have similarly granted benefits to young illegal aliens, failed to pass Congress.

“I don’t need Congress to defend the Constitution,” King said, indicating he was open to others in Congress joining him, but that he planned to proceed, alone if he must.

“Barack Obama’s executive order defies the will of the American people,” he explained. “Congress has considered and refused to pass the DREAM Act.”

Read The Rest Of The Story


  1. Fraulent doccuments will flurish printing out deplomas and rent receits. This will be a nightmare to implament. Every person under 30 will apply and resources are not available to check each one that applies so everyone will get amnesty. This is a viiolation of the constitution.

  2. You are so right, Anonymous.....but our congressional leaders are a bunch of spineless wimps, afraid to confront Obummer.....He continues to violate our Constitution at every turn. Who will stop him???

  3. Really whether you are Republican or Democrat this country is in the toilet and it is done by Congress the president cannot make every. Thing happen by himself. If you notice the repbublican came in he house in 2010 as a job Creator instead there talking g about birth Control have less days for people to days to cast your vote. For the last 2 years they will not vote .for jobs bill so the country is stooping progress for people to work. So somepeople have to something while looking for job to take care of there family like food stamps and other supplement,and when you digital lookfor as job some people that have duty to hire it I'd just ridicolios how hard they make it. Plus the replicable have beenselling the united states to the highest nicer. By doing business like mitt Romney I Don"t see what so smart in what he does he uses government to sell these companies no matter what he will get his money at the expense of people losing jobs 800 people at a time he is forself. How is he going to be president if he does not want to help the country as a whole. He did not worry how his business dealing. Took jobs away from America. We are short changing ourselfes cutting teachers education policemen, ectt. If more people would have jobs the enconomy would be better why do some people only want select few toconfortable while the rest have to gravel work, increase minimum wage. Other countries spend alot on there education look where we rank _


Posted By: Chris Carmouche