Sunday, June 17, 2012

What Would God Say To Barack Obama?

( Could you imagine the conversation that God would have with Barack Obama if He came down to visit with him for a little while? As this cloud decends into the Oval Office, Obama jumps up from his desk and runs to the door thinking there’s a fire, but the door won’t open and nobody comes to help him.

“Saul Alinsky?” Obama asks slightly confused. “NO, I am who I am, the Creator of all things,” the cloud says. “Why are you here in my White House?” Obama asks.
 ”I have a few things I need to straighten out with you, Barack,” the voice says.

“Like what?” Obama nervously inquires. ” “Ok, here goes……now pay very close attention,” the voice says.

“Do you know that I said that you shall have no other gods before me ,not even the one in your mirror, Barack?” the voice asks.

“I heard something about that, but hey, a little ego goes with this job!” Obama says. “A little ego, Barack? “Anyway, there is NO exception to that first rule,” the voice thunders, “not even for you. I only ask for 10% of a person’s income no matter what their financial status in this world, so what makes you government people think that you deserve 15, 25, 30, or 40% of their income?

Read The Rest Of The Story

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thoughts - Let's go even a bit further and add Screwtape?


Posted By: Chris Carmouche