Friday, June 15, 2012

Axelrod, Holder Or Obama: Who Is The White House Leaker?

( No official has resigned from the administration or the Obama campaign in disgrace or protest. This suggests the betrayal of state secrets is being condoned or ignored at the highest levels. Not surprisingly, Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is resisting the appointment of a special or outside counsel to probe the scandal.

Starting with Obama and then moving through Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and on to campaign adviser David Axelrod, we have individuals who could not pass a basic FBI background check.
It seems as though Republicans can’t come to grips with the nature of the problem that faces them and the country. A conservative attorney who has been probing into the backgrounds of Obama and his associates tells the story of attending a speech by Republican Rudolph Giuliani in 2011 and asking the former New York City mayor if he had ever considered the possibility that Obama was a mole.

“What? A mole? God, I hope not,” was the response.

It is a serious charge to make, let alone mention in a printed piece such as this. Yet, the new book by retired U.S. intelligence analyst Christina Shelton, Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason, is a reminder of how and why questionable individuals get into positions of extraordinary power.

Read The Rest Of The Story

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche