Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's The Gipper's 101st Birthday

WASHINGTON – He would be 101 years old tomorrow – if only he were still with us. He may be gone, but he’s hardly forgotten. In fact, you will hear his name mentioned frequently in the Republican presidential debates. There’s one thing all the candidates agree on – they all want to portray themselves as Ronald Reagan.

Did you know there’s a “Ronald Reagan department” within the WND Superstore – a place you can find books, movies, stylized banners, pins, bumper stickers and more, all commemorating “the Gipper”? And there’s a whole generation of Americans who don’t remember “Morning in America.”

That’s because it has been more than 20 years since the late Ronald Reagan left the presidency – more popular than the day he moved into the White House following his first landslide election victory in 1980.

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Posted By: Chris Carmouche