Tuesday, August 26, 2014

[Video] Religious Smackdown: Pastor Challenges ISIS Leader To Biblical Showdown

An American Christian pastor is challenging the head of the Islamic State terror group known as ISIS, urging him to convert from Islam to Christianity, or take part in a modern-day "whose God will answer by fire" showdown reminiscent of the ancient prophet Elijah’s challenge to prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel in the Old Testament.


  1. You know that the Muslim leaders are cowards and will not except the challenge.

    1. Do you know the difference between the words except and accept?

  2. Am praying for this challenge.

  3. Actually the Quran is closer to Jesus direction to follow the Law. The Muslims, not the twisted animals who hide their atrocities behind religion, follow the Law of Moses.

    Jesus told us to do this in Matthew 5. Most churches follow the Catholic Version of Christianity which is basically Pagan in nature.

    The Sabbath is actually the New Moon and every successive 7th day back to the New Moon. That is why some uninformed Christian wanna be types call Allah a Moon God.

    Sura 4:19 actually tells of Jesus birth as a miracle and of a virgin. It says that He was a gift to the world and was resurrected alive.

    There are many things that the crazy followers of the twisted form of Islam do not speak of or consider. They are not even supposed to Tax true Christians. However, the Quran does state that "some sects" of Christians are polythestic by the nature of their practice. Praying to saints and jesus mother is not looked upon favorably. It is not stated in the Bible anywhere. And if you follow Jesus message in Matthew 5 then you should not do so either.

    Just observing here not picking a fight.

    Of course animals are animals two legged or not Muslim or Christian. Ask the 40 Million victims of the Inquisition.

    1. Muslims follow the Law of Moses? Except: Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not bear false witness, Keep the Sabbath Holy....shall I go on refuting your troll confusion? Nice lying cheap shot at Catholics based on pure lies and ignorance. Catholics and our missionaries converted pagans and established monasteries in place of pagan shrines, exorcising the demons whose lies you now promote.

  4. Muslims do have the courage for an honest debate. It would allow millions of Muslims to realize Mohammed was just a man and false teacher and Prophet.

  5. For a real debate, integrity and truth must be exercised, neither of which a muslim is able to do. Their father is the father of lies, and the only do as they are taught. I wouldn't hold my breath.

  6. I doubt that the head of ISIS will accept your challenge, but I will be praying that he/they do. God is ready and waiting for their positive response and change their lives into a Christian, loving people instead of hating them and out down their guns, rockets, & everything they have fought with a and come to Jesus and trust in Him and serve Him from this day forward and have a better life in the hereafter then the path he and his followers are in now. God forgives sinners, but you have to ask for forgiveness and live a Godly, Christian life. May God intercede into your life and bring you away from Satan's leadership forever! I will be praying diligently! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

  7. I sincerely pray that this ISIS person and all his followers listen and follow through with coming to Jesus.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche