Saturday, November 30, 2013

Obama Plays The Knockout Game With America

One of the latest fads young people are involved with is called the Knockout Game. A group or a single person is walking down the street of some city and sees an unsuspecting person coming their way.

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(Western Journalism) They punch them in the face, and the victim usually falls to the sidewalk unconscious. It is dangerous because the victim isn’t expecting the punch and could land on something that could break their neck. A few of the punchers have been arrested. Often, they don’t think it is a big deal.

But President Obama has been doing his version of the Knockout Game for years. An unsuspecting America elects him and is made to think he will save it. Then he begins lowering the boom on the citizens, and America is still reeling. He said he would make creating jobs his number one priority. WHAM.

He makes baling out his supporters and Wall Street his number one priority. He claims he wants students to receive the best education possible. WHAM. He shuts down the Washington, DC voucher program that allows parents in the District of Columbia to receive vouchers so they can send their kids to better schools. Maybe he feared poor students would be better than his two daughters.

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  1. Why be so politically correct that you leave out the import aspect of the so-called "knockout game" that they're all caused by BLACK thugs. Name one incident where there are young white, asian, or Indian kids going around knocking out (and in some cases, murdering) innocent white people...especially Jewish people and old ladies.!

    1. Anonymous, thank you for having the nerve to say that this dangerous activity, not a game, is only being done by black thugs. Just saying teenagers infers that it is also white kids. If it were totally white teenagers, the news media would surely say that. Why should white kids be blamed when they are not involved. I have been saying this for a long time. It's only fair.

  2. This knockout game show the country who are the real racists in our society.

    1. You left out ignorant and uneducated.

  3. Take every one of these Knock Out N---ers and send them to one of Obama's Concentration Camps (The Ones With The Ovens or Gas Chambers!

    1. Why waste gas. Just allow them to be shot on the spot.

  4. In the 1940s my older brother headed up a "gang" of tough guys who walked the streets of Phoenix looking for other tough guys who might want to tangle with one another. At least they didn't pick on women or old folks or ordinary teenagers and try to knock them out. I thought he was a bully and I told him so to his face. He threatened to punch me out, but the action never materialized. I told my dad what he was doing and Dad came down pretty hard on him. So hard that my brother joined the navy to get away from Dad. When he came out of the navy several years later he tended to be a great deal more mature - but still a bully. I had been working out with a boxing group and was in pretty good shape. He challenged me to fight him in the ring. I accepted and we went at it hard and heavy. It was a good boxing match and I enjoyed the challenge. Perhaps the "knockout gangs" could be introduced to legal boxing by judicial fiat. It couldn't hurt and it might temper the "gangsters" inclination to pound on innocent people who are not inclined to enjoy being strong armed by these bullies. Jus' saying ;-)

  5. I was listening what the BlackRadio Stations News report had to say about this KO-Gang, and while listening, they were speaking in favor of what these KO-G were doing, they said that, the reason they are doing this has to do with our's & thier's ancestery, and the way the crackers treated the black slaves, and this is just pay back. They believe that they have every right to KO Crackers, that's thier bottom line.

    1. Have you, or anyone, considered that these black thug knock out gangs are plants by the Marxist administration to further create chaos and adversarial race relations between classes and races in America? The current administration continues to cause strife and insecurity in this nation by by-passing the Congress with executive orders and slamming the specific Constiutional restrictions by the president. There's a reason why there are three separate bodies of the federal government but this president (and his socialist/communist cronie shadow leaders) have usurped these separate powers by acting as if it already is a dictatorship. Additionally they have created a nation of lawlessness by slamming the established Rule of Law. Both, Obama and Holder should be indicted for treason and thrown in prison. But no, the weak Republican congress are afraid of being called racists, but racism abounds against whites already. There's a Bible scripture which states, "in the end times wrong will be viewed as right and right as wrong". And, "there are those who do right in their own eyes, yet it leads to destruction". When will Americans have the scales removed from their eyes and stop being blind by fear and having hearts failing them (also a Biblical prophecy of these end times).


Posted By: Chris Carmouche