Friday, August 9, 2013

Congressman Shamelessly Castigates Citizen Over Obama ID Fraud Question

Watch as this Republican Congressman castigates this woman and threatens to have her ejected from a Town Hall meeting for daring to bring up the issue of Obama's digitally altered birth certificate...

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  1. That really burns me- government lecturing the people to pretty much sit down and shut up- government is running the show. Government can be criminals because government don't have to follow any laws. So- sit down, shut up, and do whatever government tells you to do! So- go away people! Government can do whatever it wants!

    1. this guy is just as bad as obozo

    2. he is a coward, and I would tell him to his face, COWARD,,,,,,, that issue died after the election,, your Butt, Dam I hate these people that are cowards and are afraid they might get there hands dirty if they stand up for whats right.

    3. that women was a nut and I thought he handled her pretty well

  2. Time to primary this guy!

  3. Get rid of him, NOW. All of the citizens should have walked out. That vote was cheated. The country is facing some serious issues and the root of them is that Obama is a foreign agent sitting at the helm of our country.

  4. Obama is probaly top man in voter Fraud and that is a Crime ,, even he voted twice , once in Chicago and again in Washington and even used 1600 Pa ave for an address ,, why were our fighting men in Overseas operations not counted!,, why did they use touch screens rented from Chuck Hagel, In Cleveland Obama got more Votes than there were Voters,, there are many unhappy retired Auto Workers there ,, The last Election was as Phony as the man from Indonesia!

    1. Yes, Obama is in office because of voter fraud, that why I will never vote again in any election until they outlaw electronic voting. See the testimony at the link below about how a computer programmer was asked to write a program to flip the results of an election and how easy it is to electronically rig any election. With electronic voting, how can anyone be certain that any election has not been rigged? We need to let all of our representatives know that we will never again vote in any election until they return paper ballots to the poling places and outlaw electronic voting. Join the NO PAPER BALLOT—NO VOTE COALITION at:


  6. In this case, the Congressman was right. She was way out of line by continually pushing it. The Congressman was not hostile to her position and he was also right, WE LOST. If we have a fraud in the White House, America deserves it because they voted him in twice. Knowing all the other stuff associated with Obama other than his birth cert, he should have lost big time. This shows we need to change the attitudes of future voters. We can't allow the indoctrination of our kids through the radicals in the school system. You better make sure you counter-balance what your kids are learning in school.

  7. I truly believe this Congressman would have been afraid for his life if he continued to get people up in arms over this topic. We all know why Obama is in office and it is because of voter fraud and people who wanted things for nothing. Had nothing to do with his capabilites. Thank goodness we still have people who are willing to still fight his birth certificate and all the other wrong things that he has done but, they keep getting thrown out of the Supreme Court. Granted this has not stopped them and one day they will get their chance in court but keep in mind, I truly think there are alot of Congressman, etc. that would like to see him brought to justice but, to be honest with you, these people have either been paid off to be quiet or they have been threatened and their families. Put your self in their place; if someone came to you and said "If you blow the whistle or speak up over what is going on here your family will be killed. Would you continue to stir the pot or would you believe someone that threatened you and your family could be in harms way if you continued? I think we all know the answer to this. I am sure a lot of you had to have read the threat to the Clinton's back with Hilliary was running against Obamam, right? Where she was about to blow the whistle on him regarding his B.Certificate. He threatened that their daughter would be killed if they released the information. Guess What? They never shared the information. However, just to prove to the Clinton's that they were serious they killed B. Clinton's best friend instead. Now, I am sure most of you did not get a chance to read that information over one of these discussion newsletters but there has to be some of you who also read the article like I did, right? You don't have five muslim brotherhood people working in the W.H. if they are not serious about these threats. Just Saying!!!

  8. She should have asked him where his BALLS were...

  9. Yes, Obama is in office because of voter fraud, that why I will never vote again in any election until they outlaw electronic voting. See the testimony at the link below about how a computer programmer was asked to write a program to flip the results of an election and how easy it is to electronically rig any election. With electronic voting, how can anyone be certain that any election has not been rigged? We need to let all of our representatives know that we will never again vote in any election until they return paper ballots to the poling places and outlaw electronic voting. Join the NO PAPER BALLOT—NO VOTE COALITION at:

  10. I disagree that nothing can be done because his false identity was not proven in four years. He is an alien, born in Kenya and actually has admitted to it, as well as Michelle, but the Senate, which is made up of a majority of Democrats covered up the fact that he was NOT vetted. Nancy Pelosi lied and said he had been vetted and was eligible to be President, which was a lie and the Liberal media helped him cover it up. The simple fact is: No one would spend hundreds of Millions of dollars to hide all of his personal information, as well as his visa, college transcripts, health records, etc. We know for a fact that his birth certificate is a fraud, because the Democrats admitted it and said, "So what" they believe they are above the law, because Obama owns the Justice Dept. with his buddy, Eric Holder running it. Now he has his personal cronies running every department in our government and they are spying, lying and covering-up all the waste and the IRS has committed crimes against our citizens and continues to break our laws and the Justice Dept. is ignoring it. The Republican elected officials had better wake up and stand up to Obama or we will soon have sharia law, instead of our Constitution.

  11. These are the people that MUST be voted out of office! A real patriot would never do this.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche