Friday, January 11, 2013

The Real Reason Behind The Sandy Hook Shooting

In reaction to the recent Sandy Hook tragedy, and the on-going debate over efforts by the Obama Regime to confiscate firearms, one of our readers forwarded us a poem that Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, read to Congress back in 1999. While liberals love to blame "guns" for horrendous tragedies, Scott's poem puts the entire debate in the proper perspective.

Your laws ignore our deepest needs.
Your words are empty air.
You’ve stripped away our heritage.
You’ve outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere
And ask the question, “Why?”

You regulate restrictive laws
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand
That God is what we need.


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  1. Short, but powerful. The sad truth is the very people it is directed to do not have a clue!

  2. the poor simple minds of the progressive / communist democrat will
    never grasp the fact that its not the inanimate object the ''gun'' thats the
    problem , its the society that the progressive / communist democrat
    party has promoted and fought to create for the last 50 years.
    They have taken God out of every public school in America and
    replaced him with sex education for 5 year olds, mandatory homosexual acceptance
    and free birth control for everyone, the liberal communist democrat
    hollyweed film makers make killing people with a gun look kool ,fun
    and no problemo,they are the real '' gun culture '' not the average US
    lawful gun owner, they tell us hundreds of teenagers are killed each
    year by gun violence they dont tell you 90% are black and Hispanic gang
    members gunning each other down to protect their drug turf . The
    progressive / communist democrat parents whose ''family values '' are
    in the toilet, have adopted killer video games as their new baby
    sitters ...they just dont get it ......ITS NOT THE GUNS ITS THE MORALE
    CREATE !!!
    obama supporter bruce springsteen called for the shooting of all the
    the 1%ers in his new album and the hollyweed obama supporters promote gun
    violence daily with their shoot em and kill em all films ...but we
    cant touch that ,thats our Freedom of Speech, our First Amendment right, so
    what do they do ? they do the second best thing ...go after the Second
    Amendment. In the simple minds of progressive / communist democrats
    they would defend to the death with a gun their First Amendment
    rights...... but they dont believe in the Second Amendment,
    its obamas core supporters that have created this society , they are
    the problem , not guns


Posted By: Chris Carmouche