Saturday, October 13, 2012

Army Officers Being Instructed On 'Destroying' Tea Party Militia Movements

(Western Journalism) A retired Army colonel and a professor of history at the University of Kansas have co-written an article instructing the U.S. Army how to properly destroy" ... extremist militia [insurgents] motivated by the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement.”

Colonel Kevin Benson, who teaches modern warfare to soldiers at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Ft. Leavenworth and Associate Professor Jennifer Weber have created a scenario in which activists under the influence of that apogee of American terrorism—Tea Party members—“…take over the government..."
The name of this extraordinary piece of work is “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future”. And needless to say, its publication has created something of a stir among rational, non-impaired thinkers across the nation. Most ask a very pointed question:

Why are conservatives targeted as the coming threat to the social and political order of the United States rather than Islamic terrorists or members of the radical left? Shouldn’t those who have already proven themselves eager participants in the art of murder and insurrection be the first to command the attention of law enforcement, whether public or military?

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like these two turkeys failed to read the Constitution and as a result are faux intellects. Nuff said!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche