Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wicked Queen Michelle Obama Poisons Small Children

The same Lame Stream Media that is promoting the whacky concepts that Mitt Romney is a felon who kills old women by giving them cancer and Congressman Paul Ryan pushed old ladies in wheelchairs off cliffs forgot to tell you that Michelle Obama, like the Wicked Queen in Snow White, feeds poisoned apples to small children.

Obviously there's more to the story. Erick Erickson with reports that McDonalds and Burger King started including apples in their kids' meals in reaction to Michelle Obama's push to encourage "healthier eating habits."

And now, Fox News reports, a large shipment of apples, over 293,488 cases to be precise, that were destined to be included in kids meals are being recalled from the fast-food restaurants and store chains across the country after listeria was discovered in shipments bound for the fast-food giants.

What Fox News didn't point out (hat tip to Erickson) is: "Now, you and I may think it is outrageous to claim that Michelle Obama had anything to do with food poisoning America’s youth. You and I would be right to think it is outrageous. But if Mitt Romney is responsible for Joe Soptic’s wife dying of cancer almost a decade after Mitt Romney left Bain Capital’s day to day management, it is only fair to use the same kind of stupidity logic to point out Michelle Obama is giving kids listeria."

According to Fox News: "When consumers eat foods contaminated with the bacterium listeria monocytogenes, they can get a serious infection called listeriosis," which causes "fever, muscle aches, diarrhea, headache, stiff neck, confusion and convulsions."

Maybe it's time for Michelle to have another affair?


  1. less processing would have eliminated this issue! Wouldn't it make more sense both financially & health-wise to just offer small apples? No processing, no bagging, TOTALLY green packaging and no chance of listeria....
    OH!!! But we definitely need to watch out for all the AGAR!!!!

  2. Most people know that if you are going to package meat, milk, eggs (or other food products from animal sources), you should practice scrupulous cleanliness. They tend to think, also, that preparing fruits and veggies for packaging does not require as much care...I guess. On the other hand, if you use a lick-and-a-promise method of disinfecting produce, you may kill off the weak organisms and leave the more hardy ones intact. Finally, even if you completely sterilize the produce and then ship pallets of, say, lettuce underneath packages of raw meat products in your over-the-road trucks, then it's highly likely that residual organisms from the outside of the meat packages could end up on the produce underneath. The bottom line is that it's best if you prepare your raw produce yourself, washing everything before cutting it up.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche