Monday, August 27, 2012

Video: "Republican Woman" In Obama Campaign Ad Outed As Democrat Activist

There's only one problem with Barack Obama's latest "War on Women" political ad that highlights testimony from a number of "Republican women" explaining why they will not be voting for Mitt Romney in November. It's been discovered that at least one of the women in the video below is actually a liberal activist.

Buzzfeed initially outed Maria Ciano, one of the women in the ad, as being a registered Democrat since 2006. Then, blogger John Hinderaker went to Ciano's facebook page and noticed, based on Ciano's "likes" that she's obviously a far-left activist.

1 comment:

  1. Well whatever, smart women will vote for Romney because he and Ryan will bring a feeling of security back to the country. Business fears Obama, investors fear him, everyone with a lick of sense fears him and his agenda. IF there are women stupid enough to vote for him, God help is not going to be very nice around here if he gets back in office....


Posted By: Chris Carmouche