Monday, August 13, 2012

Sarah's Out. Old Faces Slated To Fill The Void

"This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention." That's all that Sarah Palin would say to Fox News' Greta Van Susteren when she announced on Sunday that she won't be speaking at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on August 30th, but there will be plenty of "other voices"...

Unfortunately, it appears there will be very few "fresh faces" among the "other voices" as the current roster of confirmed speakers is looking more and more like an All-Star line-up of Establishment Republican Ghosts Of Christmas Past.

Among the voices that will be propelling the GOP message to the nation are, RINO Senator John McCain, pro-abortion former-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Ohio Governor John Kasich, former-Florida Governor Jeb Bush and New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, who is known for her "moderate" and often shifting position on amnesty for illegal aliens.

There will be a few crumbs thrown out to the base of the party. Former-Senator Rick Santorum, Senator Rand Paul, and former-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, are also slated to speak; but whether or not a true conservative will get a prime-time speaking slot is anyone's guess.

Palin however, remains upbeat and told Fox News that Mitt Romney need not worry about support from conservatives: “A lot of maybe Tea Party patriots have understood, wisely, that they’ve had no choice. Of course they’re going to go with anybody but Obama, and now, yes, I believe that there will be a strengthening.”

As to what Palin means by "strengthening," aside from the obvious allusion to Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as V.P., is anyone's guess, but Drew Zahn with went so far as to say that Palin gave the distinct impression that "Romney has the Republican Party’s conservative base in the bag."


  1. I guess the good ole boys will keep the status quo. They do not want to hear from one of America's favorite conservatives. No one wants to hear from McCain. The RINO had his chances to unleash Sarah but he muzzled her. If the American people listen to conservatism we may never have another jackass in office. Let us see if Romney/Ryan will articlulate the conservative ideals. GO TEA PARTY

  2. Send the GOP an email demanding Sarah Palin speak. Here is the web site

    Let Sarah Palin speak at the convention. She is the most popular Republican you have. Dump McCain. He is a loser and no one wants to hear him. You will need someone that can articulate the conservative ideas. Palin has demonstrated that she is from day one a true conservative and not a conservative for political convenience. We conservatives are tired of listening to the GOOD OLE BOYS. Let's see if the Romney/Ryan ticket has the intestinal fortitude that SARAH PALIN has.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche