Friday, August 24, 2012

Obama's Birth Certificate Is Not The Only Thing That's Fake

Who knows, maybe Team Obama is simply getting warmed up for all the voter fraud that is likely to take place in the November election by falsifying approximately 70% of Obama's alleged 18.8 million Twitter followers.

USA Today reports that "a new Web tool has determined that 70% of Obama's crowd includes 'fake followers,'" that were purchased for the express purpose of making Barack Obama appear to be more popular than he actually is.

The Obama campaign is denying that it "purchased" Twitter followers but a new web tool called "Fake Follower Check," produced by StatusPeople, a social media management company based in London, confirms that approximately 13 million of Barack Obama's Twitter followers don't actually exist.

Perhaps the Republican National Committee should hire StatusPeople to count the votes in the upcoming election.

Read the Rest of the Story


  1. Is there anything that ISN'T fake about obimbo?

    ...apart from the corruption, the ineptness, the lies and deceit that is.

  2. Obama is a FAKE and a CON_MAN through and through !!


Posted By: Chris Carmouche