Monday, August 27, 2012

Obama Decrees Race-Based Discipline In Our Nation's Public Schools

By imperial decree, Barack Obama has just mandated (via yet another executive order) that race-sensitive bureaucrats be hired to mandate "racial discipline quotas" in our nation's schools.

The American Thinker tells us, "The order charges his new racial justice team, in part, with 'promoting a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.'"
In reality, we're talking about affirmative action on steroids. Now, instead of punishing student who commit offenses without regard to race, our nation's educators will now be "encouraged" and "instructed" to dole out punishment in accordance with demographic data.

If a certain minority group comprises "X" percent of the general population, then only that same percentage of students will be punished for offenses.

And if some students go unpunished, and others are punished disproportionately for less egregious acts... well that's just the luck of the dice. Obama's decree might not be right. It might not be moral. And it might not be in the best interest of the students; but at least the imperial decree is "fair" ... right?.

Read the Rest of the Story


  1. Obama needs to be put in prison. FOR LIFE! ! !


  2. Is there any other Nation in this world that would put up with this crap? The USA is supposed to be based on Lex Rex, not Rex Lex, but also are we not supposed to be OVER the race crap? We're a melting pot, not a boiling pot! My kids think this guy's nuts trying to base all on race! they each have friends of all kinds of culture, learn from & experience each other & grow with each other. Yet, "adults" keep the race-baiting" going... all based upon false premises, trumped up issues & blind eyes, not wanting to control their own impulses, their own racism, their own lives...


Posted By: Chris Carmouche