Thursday, August 23, 2012

Child Of Rape Offers Thoughtful Perspective On Akin Controversy

So much ink has already been spilled on the gaff made by Rep. Todd Akin and the gang-lynching he has experienced at the hands of the elites in his own party, who fail to show any spine whatsoever when it comes to opposing those who are truly trying to destroy this great country; but Ryan Bomberger with LifeNews actually has a rather refreshing and affirming take on the situation that deserves to be shared.

"Tis the season to be wearing tread marks. Congressman Todd Akins has crawled out from under the bus, brushed himself off and is standing firm."

"A few ill-chosen words expressing a more-common-than-acknowledged misunderstanding of a woman’s biological response to rape have caused him and those harmed by such a violent act, without pause, to be thrown under the bus.

"And, quite frankly, I’m glad such a pro-family, pro-life stalwart, despite a few bumps and lots of scrapes, is not quitting under pressure from hypocritical pro-abortion radicals and spineless Republicans.

"This Akin controversy is less about some poorly chosen words in an expression for support for both mother and child and more about the inexcusable, yet exalted, pro-abortion position that “abortion rights” cannot be threatened. So, while liberals continually use the less than 1% (rape and incest) to justify the other 99%, some are too eager to allow the left to define while the GOP (in this case, the Grand Ole Placaters) reveals it often has no spine."

Read the Rest of the Story


  1. Possibly you should report on the fact that 1 out of 6 women have been sexually abused in their life. 1 out of 33 men have been sexually abused in their life.
    about 207,000 males and females 12 and older are assulted every year.
    sexual assault and rape victim statistics
    15% are under 12
    29% are age 12-17.
    44% are under age 18.3
    80% are under age 30.3
    12-34 are the highest risk years.
    Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nice stats Butch, but how about bringing a stat the has relevance to the discussion. How many murders are committed to the would-be children of rape victims?
      What's the percentage of murders, er, um abortions performed that are on rape victims?

    3. Yes can someone please explain the relevance of Butch's comments... they escape me.

  2. Akin chose the wrong words, what he should have said was: pregnancies from rape occur less than 1% of the time, let's concentrate on the 99% of the abortions performed for convenience/inconvenience.

    I have an adopted sister-in-law (pro-life activist) who was adopted by hubby's family when she was three days old from the Gladney Home in Ft. Worth, Texas, now 28 and an elementary public school teacher who she hopes Akin remains in the race - as do I.

    We legally adopted a 6 year old girl a little over 5 years ago and pro-deathers would never believe how much love and joy she has given to our family and others. I use the words "pro-deathers" because they certainly don't believe in "pro-choice," they don't want to give the baby a "choice" whatsoever.

  3. I am pro-life, but still feel that Aikin should withdraw from the Senate Race in Mo.
    It is not so much his ignorant description of 'a woman's body shutting down' that is my reason for his withdrawal, but his failing to point out that promoting the killing of the most innocent in any rape, the child conceived this way, is the the wrong answer, but providing emotional support, overcoming the turmoil a rape must inflict on any women.
    It is liberals who by their flippant response to this crime are promoting the incidents of rape in the first place, (Jay Lenno promoting the rape of Sarah Palins"s then 14 year old daughter etc), we can not let them define what the proper response to this crime should be

  4. How many of you are from Missouri? I think it's mute what everyone else thinks or says. Let the voters who live in Missouri decidebbecause they have the vote. All those who critize and demand Akins to drop out have nothing to do with this. They can blow their own horns but ultimtely it's those who live in Missouri will decide this.

    only those who dare to vote make the difference. If you don't vote to change the system then you have no room to bitch.

  5. I live in Missouri. I voted for Akin because he was endorsed by Mike Huckabee. Akin might have known his off the cuff answer would not be good for him or for the Republican party. But he answered as he did. This causes me to wish I had voted for Sarah Steelman as I planned to do until Mike Huckabee's endorsement. But it's up to Akin to resign or to not do so. If he remains on the ticket, I'll surely vote for him.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche