Thursday, August 9, 2012

Caught On Video: Hillary Dirty Dancing With Woman

No, it's not a sleazy accusation from the National Enquirer or The Globe. Hillary Clinton actually got her groove on and was caught on video dirty dancing and bumping-and-grinding with a local woman at a dinner hosted by the South African Foreign Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Leave it to the British press, specifically the Daily Mail, to report incidents and events the Lame-Stream Media in the United States does not dare to touch.

As the video clearly shows, all of the dignitaries and the "very important personages" were already whopping it up and having a good old time, when Hillary started to show her stuff and boogie-down on the dance floor.

Then, the entertainment for the evening, singer Judith Sephuma, catches the former-First Lady's eye, busts-a-move, and the two not-so-briefly exchange a little R-rated bump-and-grind.

Maybe the stress of working for Barack Hussein Obama is getting to Hillary and she sees the need to cut loose once in a while. Back in April, there was a bit of a stir when she was observed "partying-down," drinking and doing the Rumba with her staff in Cartagena, Columbia at the sixth Summit of the Americas.

Is her behavior beneath the dignity of the office of the Secretary of State, or is she entitled to a little "good-clean" (or perhaps we should say, "just a little naughty") fun? You be the judge and give us your thoughts.

Posted By: Chris Carmouche