Abortionist Admits On Video. It's All About Killing "Ugly Black Babies"
Abortionist Ron Virmani, when confronted by pro-lifers, screamed and claimed
that he's actually performing a vital public service because "as a taxpayer, I
do not wish to pay for those babies to be born and brought up to kill those
people in Colorado."
Then, literally a second later, in reference to the Colorado shooter and seemingly oblivious to the fact that the Colorado shooter was White, Virmani challenges the pro-lifers to "adopt one of those ugly black babies." |
Virmani should be nominated to be the next poster-boy for Planned Parenthood. The pro-lifers who posted the video on YouTube offer the following summation: "This man whom kills unborn life for a living justifies his profession by claiming he is helping society by lessening the burden on tax payers by killing unborn babies. Also you'll notice he admits to what he is killing... he's not removing a blob of tissue, or a fetus... he is killing a baby or as he describes some of the babies as 'ugly black babies.'" |