While unconfirmed, it is being claimed that the activists roamed the grounds
of the secure facility for approximately two hours and painted anti-war slogans
and chucked, what they claimed was blood, on the wall of the building before
being detained by security.
Ellen Barfield, a spokesperson for "Transform Now Plowshares," the group
associated with the perpetrators, told members of the media that the three
activists, Megan Rice, 82, Michael Walli, 63 and Greg Boertje-Obed, 57, are
presently under arrest for vandalism and criminal trespass.
It would appear that the break-in is unrelated to the London Olympic games.
According to Newsmax.com; "Ralph Hutchinson, coordinator for the Oak
Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, said the group's intention was not to
demonstrate the lack of security at the plant, but to take a stance against the
making of nuclear weapons."