Friday, August 3, 2012

82 Year Old Nun Breaks Into U.S. Nuclear Facility

An 82 year-old nun and two accomplices have apparently forced the shutdown of the United States government's only facility for processing and storing weapons-grade uranium after successfully breaching the facility's security fences on Wednesday. Coincidentally, the contractor responsible for security at the facility is connected to GS4, the same firm that Mitt Romney referenced when speaking about "disconcerting" aspects of the security at London's Olympic Games last week.

Authorities announced the facility will be closed for at least a week following a breach of the perimeter fence by several activists who successfully cut through the fence and were able to approach one of the buildings where highly enriched uranium is secured.

While unconfirmed, it is being claimed that the activists roamed the grounds of the secure facility for approximately two hours and painted anti-war slogans and chucked, what they claimed was blood, on the wall of the building before being detained by security.

Ellen Barfield, a spokesperson for "Transform Now Plowshares," the group associated with the perpetrators, told members of the media that the three activists, Megan Rice, 82, Michael Walli, 63 and Greg Boertje-Obed, 57, are presently under arrest for vandalism and criminal trespass.

It would appear that the break-in is unrelated to the London Olympic games. According to; "Ralph Hutchinson, coordinator for the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, said the group's intention was not to demonstrate the lack of security at the plant, but to take a stance against the making of nuclear weapons."

Posted By: Chris Carmouche