Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Video: Obama College Crony Says Obama Was As Marxist As You Can Get

Paul Kengor, the author of the newly released book, "The Communist Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor" sat down with John Drew, an old buddy of Barack Obama from his Occidental College days, and Drew declared that Obama, during this period, had been a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist.

Of course, for those of us who are paying attention, the fact that Obama has been a revolutionary Marxist for years is old news, but Drew claims he has a unique perspective.

Drew claims that his association with Obama bridges the gap between Obama's tutoring from Frank Marshall Davis to his associations with the likes of Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and Van Jones, and that Obama was considered radical by his fellow students at Occidental, which at the time was an institution that was... to put it in Drew's own words "as Marxist as you can get."

1 comment:

  1. Obamanov is a Marxist Muslim... When he went to pakistan in 1981 he spent over a month with the Muslim Brotherhood. My sources in the Pak ISI has confirmed this... If he is re-elected this country is finished...


Posted By: Chris Carmouche