Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Government Gone Wild: Man Sentenced To 30 Days For Hoarding "The People's Water"

Gary Harrington will be spending the next 30 days in jail and faces up to $1500.00 in fines over a pond which has been on his family property for 37 years. What's going on? According to Tom Paul of the Oregon Water Resources Department, "all of the water in the state of Oregon is public water" and yes, that includes the water that fills Harrington's pond and two other ponds on Harrington's property.

You read that right, Harrington is in violation of the law because the water in his ponds belongs to the people and Harrington doesn't have the required permits to hoard the people's water on his private property.
Of course, Harrington actually applied to the People's Republic of Oregon for the required permits back in 2002, and the state Water Resources Department actually approved the permits; but soon thereafter, a state court reversed the ruling approving the permits.

In essence, Harrington's plight appears to be a variation on the old "government wet-lands" shell game. The state of Oregon is saying, we'll give lip-service to the outdated concept that your private property belongs to you, because the water on that property belongs to the people (translation: the government).

If you're confused, you can check out the rest of the story at CNSNews.com, but be forewarned, having more information won't necessarily clarify the matter. Consider it just another case of Government Gone Wild.


  1. You'd think that water on your land would belong to you. What about the water in your glass that you are about to drink? What about the mud puddle in my back yard? Looks to me like the government is seizing everything we own. They think our land belongs to them and our water. These dictators are letting their jobs go to their heads, they believe they are gods and we are their subjects to do as they wish for their greedy agenda. Can't anyone see what is happening? For crying out loud, this is insanity!!!!!

  2. In Montana the tribes are attempting to sell us the water drawn from our own wells located on our own property. How is that any different?

  3. Read the ENTIRE story!

    Harrington was ordered to stop damming a tributary stream of the Big Butte River, and did so at the time of his probabtion. Upon the expiration of his probation, he redammed the streams, in violation of the court's ruling.

    It is the RIVER WATER that is not his to do with as he likes, having nothing to do with any rain water or snow melt occurring on his propery.

    The court, in denying him the water-collection permits he sought, is responding to his continued damming of the river tributary water.

    The message here is clear: Stop damming the river water, and then you'll get your water-collection permits.

    Read the ENTIRE story!

    1. Yes, everyone should read the entire story.

    2. Look at the google map of his ponds, no creeks, rivers, streams, moving water of any kind anywhere near the ponds, they are surrounded by public, private roads, houses, yards, and acres of open pasture. A case of the government calling a pasture a river.

  4. Sounds like some commie bs comming out of DC rather than a western state.

    Middle America, try that nonsense and a farmer and his neighbors will met with you in a way you probably will not live to remember.

  5. Leave the guy alone. The planet has more water than land mass,so what does Oregon need his water for? Oregon has a whole coast with a big ocean full of water. Oregon has rivers,lakes,and water everywhere. Why does Oregon have to have one landowner's water? Is there a shortage? Hmmm?

  6. If you think this is some kind of revalation - guess again. Quietly a piece of legislation called Law Of the Seas act (LOST) going through congress. As I understand LOST, it opens all waterways including creeks, rivers, lakes of all sizes and location will be made International Waters governed by the world powers (i.e. UN, etc.).

    Also, recent studies revealed that only about 4% of the water on earth is drinkable. So, those who control water will control the world's popultaion.

    1. The thing China needs the most is water........Hmmmmmm

  7. The earth belongs to the Lord, and everything in it -- the world and all its people. He built it on the waters and set it on the rivers. Who may go up on the mountain of the Lord? Only those with clean hands and pure hearts, who have not worshiped idols, who have not made promises in the name of a false god. They will receive a blessing from the Lord; the God who saves them will declare them right. Psalm 24

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ah, Who owns this Terra firma? Not the government:


  9. Again, lest we forget: Deut. 10:14 - Remember that the sky, the highest heaven, the earth and everything it contains belong to the LORD your God.

  10. If this furor concerns a pond which is fed by rainfall only, that's one thing. If it is fed by a creek which enters and later leaves the owner's property, that's different. Which is it? -- Ray Downen


Posted By: Chris Carmouche