Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obama Plotting To Steal The Election?

Conspiracy Theory Or Not? Is Barack Obama Plotting To Steal The Election? And, If So, How Will He Do It And Why? Doug Hagmann's "Secret Source" Says Some Mighty Interesting Things. Some stories are so enticing, you simply must give them a read....

( We’re talking about something taking place to make sure that Obama stays in office.
I’ve been privy to ‘contingency plans’ ordered by Jarrett for one that defines the protocol for DHS response to the ‘temporary suspension of U.S. elections due to international and domestic crisis.’

It’s a real document, ordered by Jarrett and contains plans for travel restrictions, gun possession ban by citizens, and in general, ‘martial law.’”

“Remember when I told you about DHS planning a response for chaos, civil war, rioting, insurrection or whatever you want to call it? Well, that’s not happening fast enough, and there are people who don’t think it can be accomplished in one term.

That’s why a second term is critical, and that’s why there’s desperation sinking in. Napolitano is corresponding a lot with the White House, to Valerie Jarrett, to the Secret Service, and to others I won’t name. But there is some plan in place to assure the reelection of this guy so he can finish the job he was given.

Read The Full Story


  1. WE have know this since he signed that emergency plan. I listened to Glenn Beck and sold out and moved off grid and stock piled. If the American people don't make a stand they deserve it . Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves at what wimps we have become.

  2. then we the people stop everything and go to the streets.

  3. As much as I'd like to be able to "sell out" & go off grid, there's no way my family would agree. BUT as Anna says, we will need to rise up in Unity & stand for Truth , Liberty & Freedom.
    I am armed, I have permit to conceal carry as well as several long guns. I am training my daughter & wife to shoot (my 18 yr old son thinks I'm nuts) & I believe that I've mapped out at least some sort of retreat to get out of town to "safer" ground. I am planning to coordinate this with others in the area....

  4. Homeland security while well intentioned after 9/11 was Bush's biggest goof. The libs inherit it ala Barack Obama and it's escalated to protect the country not from Muslim/Islamic jihadists but to protect those in political power from pissed off American citizens who've caught on to Obama's "change" the ultimate B.S. perpetrated on the people in decades. Now the people are the "terrorists" and not any foreign enemy eager to take this country down. Nuff said! If you don't get it by now then you will remain stupid forever and can kiss your American freedoms goodbye.


Posted By: Chris Carmouche